Share Your Favorite Recipe! Hey all, I thought it would be fun if each of us shared the recipe we make best with the rest of the group. I don't know about y'all but having to come up with new ideas for dinner all the time is hard. Here's my recipe for jambalaya, cobbled together from other recipes. It's yummy, but a bit salty. Throw a peeled potato in the pot 15 minutes before serving, then remove. That should help keep the saltiness down. It's easy to make. Enjoy, and please share! Ingredients 1 cups white rice 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped garlic to taste, minced or pressed 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 can crushed tomatoes 1 can whole tomatoes 1 can garlic tomato paste 1 pound shrimp, shelled and cleaned (ask your fish store clerk how to do this if youre not sure) to 1 pound turkey ham or ham, diced 6 to 8 Chorizo, Italian, or other sausage, hot or mild, your choice cut into bite-sized pieces cup red wine thyme basil paprika black pepper Seasoning salt (optional; this makes the dish very salty) Red pepper flakes (optional; I skip this if kids will be eating it) To make: Cook the rice in a medium saucepan while you prepare the other ingredients. You should end up with about 3 cups of cooked rice. In a large saucepan, saut the onions, garlic, and bell peppers in the olive oil for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the 2 cans of tomatoes, the tomato paste, the meat, the wine, and the seasonings. Cook on medium high heat until mixture starts to bubble. Turn it down to a simmer and let cook for about 10 minutes. Cover the pot to avoid splattering. Stir occasionally. When jambalaya is done, add the rice in large spoonfuls, stirring after each until it reaches the consistency you want. (It should look like a rice casserole, more or less.) Another way to do it, if you think you have more jambalaya than rice, is to put the rice in a bowl and add jambalaya to it until it looks good to you. (Save the rest of the jambalayayou can make more rice to serve with it later.) Let it cool for a while because it will be very hot. Thats it! Serve and enjoy with red wine, salad and bread.
Hey there! I love food, I think this will become one of my favorite threads of all time, lol. Here is a GREAT recipe for a quick, easy marinara sauce. It's my personal favorite with stuffed pastas, like ravioli or mannicotti Ingedients: Water Olive Oil 2 Med. Onions 2 Cloves of Garlic 2 28 oz. Cans of Crushed Tomatoes 25 or so leaves of basil, chopped ¼ Cup Parsley, chopped 1 Cup Loccateli, Romano, or Parmesan cheese. Use the best you can, if possible. Process: First, coat the bottom of a dutch oven with the olive oil. Over low heat, sweat the onions until they are translucent. When they are translucent, use a garlic press to crush the garlic into the dutch oven. As soon as you do that, dump your tomatoes into the pot. Fill each can ¼ to ½ halfway, swirl it around, and empty it into the pot. Add the basil and parsley to the sauce. Bring the sauce to a boil, then let it simmer for 15 minutes. Take the sauce off the heat, and stir in the cheese. You're done! One note: My family is really anal. We remove the vain from the basil and everything... you don't have to if you don't want to. This is a good sauce, my favorite Enjoy! -John
Here's a great recipe for Hashed Brown Potato Casserole. This is the one dish that if I bring it to a pot-luck I am forever requested to bring it back from then on. 2lbs Frozen Hashed Brown Potatoes (the cube kind) 1 tsp. salt 1/2 cup melted butter 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/4 tsp pepper 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 pt. sour cream (or 2 cups) 16 oz. shredded cheddar cheese Topping: 2 cups crushed cornflakes 1/4 cup melted butter Grease a 9x13 pan, mix all (not the toppings) in a very large bowl, I suggest adding the hashbrowns last. Transfer all into the greased pan. Mix the cornflakes and melted butter together, spread on top of hashed browns. Bake at 375' F for 1 1/2 hours or until golden brown. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving. This is also one of those dishes that is so much better the next day. I suggest making the day before and only baking for 1 hour, then the next day bake for another 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. I've also made this in a crock pot on the low setting for about 5 hours, which turned out great...I didn't put the topping on it though so that I could stir it.
Jupitershana, that is one of my all time favorite recipes. It's like a huge twice baked potato. I usually crush potato chips on top instead of corn flakes though. This is my family's current favorite summer feast food...pig pickin' at it's finest. It's easy, tastes fantastic, serves a bunch but requires wet washcloths for napkins. Oven-Barbecued Baby Back Ribs 4 lbs. pork baby back rib slabs 2 cups ketchup 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 2 tbsp white vinegar 2 tbsp minched onions 2 tsp minced garlic 2 tsp dry mustard 2 tsp cayenne Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. In a bowl, combine all ingredients (except ribs) to make a sauce. Place ribs on broiler pan or roasting pan with rack. Season with salt and pepper. Brush with a thick layer of sauce. Roast the ribs, basting every 30 minutes, until they are tender and falling off the bone, about 1 1/2 hours. Jupitershana's hashbrown casserole would go great with this.
I'm noting all of these down! It seems so complicated. I suck at cooking. In Food Technology I've burnt myself on the stove 6 times now!
It takes patience, and time! I didn't start cooking until I was 12, when my mom went back to work. Plus, you mentioned that you're short. Maybe you're just too close to the burners? Not to be insulting, but you might want to try standing on something sturdy while you cook. No fun if you burn yourself. All of these recipes sound so yummy! Can't wait to try them.
My recipe for a great Chicago dog. 1 Vienna jumbo hot dog, boiled. Topped in the following order: 1 Egg-based hot dog bun. White bread sullies the bun. Ketchup Deli mustard Pepperoncini rings Pickle spear Wedge of tomato Kraut, German sour, not Bavarian sweet; real Chicago dogs must be like real Chicago, with a bit of German in each bite. Best when eaten outside, especially curbside. Anyone caught putting mayo, ranch, or any other white sauce will be summarily punished.
I really shouldn't read this thread when I'm hungry...... Anyway, I'm a seafood junkie and here's a recipe for everyone else that is. There is no fixed amount/weight of ingrediants and there are plenty of varients, but heres what I do... Around 600g of shelled prawns 3-4 mushrooms 1-2 cloves of garlic chopped well 100ml thickened cream oil and butter (about 2 tablespoons each) spices to your own desire Noodles or rice Put the oil, butter, garlic and mushrooms in a frypan, let them cook for a couple of minutes, then add your prawns, cook them till they change colour (pink or white depending on the kind of prawns you get). Add what ever spices you like then add the cream, stir till combined nicely, you can add some flour that has been mixed with milk to a runny paste, slowly to the mixture to thicken it up, let it simmer for a minute, stiring the whole time. Do not let it over cook or the oil and cream will seperate, if you find that you have, then add more cream. And then you just put it on top of your cooked noodles or rice. I got to say it's alot easier to cook than have to sit here and think about what it is I do to make this, never used a recipe for it!
nothing major. just one of my favorites that i like to make every now and then: Mac & Cheese w/Tuns Make your favorite brand of instant mac & cheese and once finished, open a can of tuna, drain, and mix in with the mac&cheese.
I love that recipe! I usually add garlic and peas, and a little hot sauce. In fact, I think I'll go have some right now ...
I did the Mac and Cheese with Tuna for my kids all the time. Sometimes I sliced hotdogs up, fried them a bit and added them to the Mac and Cheese instead of Tuna. I added peas sometimes, too. Another quick one for leftover bits of turkey-- Fried rice with turkey: I never measured any of this out. I just made a big pan full. Fry up a chopped onion and celery until tender. Add the leftover turkey (chopped up) and cook until turkey is thoroughly heated. Stir in rice (already cooked.) I also scrambled an egg at the edge of the pan, then stirred it in with the rest of the ingredients. Finally, I add a little soy sauce. There were never leftovers of this fried rice. The kids ate it up. I suppose you could use other kinds of leftover meat but it was always a turkey meal with us.
Foooood Experimenting with food is more fun. I was curious one day. sausages in the pan, peanut butter next to me. a peanut butter and sausage sandwich was inevitable, and it was surprisingly good, so i made another one
My daughter is also fond of peanut butter and sausage sandwiches. I don't care for them, myself. Peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwiches, that's another story ...
I remember in Junior High, in my "Home Ec" class, we had a session on Hors D'oevres. One of the recipes involved mixing up sweet pickle relish and peanut butter, and then spreading the mixture onto a celery stick. We were all kind of grossed out by the thought, but surprisingly, the peanut butter and sweet pickle combo is pretty good! Never had it as a sandwich, but I might have to give that a try!!
You seriously think I'd post a recipe after the pasta and sauce incident? Even though it wasn't me? Here's another reason why I shouldn't post. I wanted to bake cakes (you know, the little kiddy box nes) and found a box of Barbie cakes to make. I opened the box and the cake mix bag has burst. So I took the icing, made that and dpread it on bread. It wasn't very nice.
LOL, Babe. You're so funny! I burned the water for pasta once. Left it boiling on the stove and wandered off. It burned all the way down and scorched the pot. Oh, another thing I did once was start my stove on fire when I tried to make chips (french fries) in a fryer. I had no idea what I was doing. Wow. What a lot of smoke. And now I'm a fairly decent cook. So never fear. One day you too will be able to make something other than burned spaghetti and frosting sandwiches.
my mom sent me this one... I haven't tried this, but it sounds like fun [SIZE=+0]ZIPLOC OMELET (This works great!!! Says the original author) Good for when all your family is together. The best part is that no one has to wait for their special omelet !!!) Have guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker. Crack 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them. Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham, onion, green pepper tomato, hash browns, salsa, etc. Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake. Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up. Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water. Open the bags and the omelet will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+0] Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake; everyone gets involved in the process and a great conversation piece. [/SIZE]