Share Your Houses! We've been talking about houses on different threads and I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we could brag a little, and share some of the houses we've created. Here's a mansion I made. The Sim spent most of her money moving in so it's not really furnished, yet. Part of the fun. It's big but playable. So, share yours!
Beautiful. I tend to build small houses where they don't have enough room in the hallway to pass one another. So then I put in extra doors so that one of them can walk around through the bedrooms and they don't stand there waving and shrugging. But I attach a couple pictures of the two biggest places that have residents. I don't have pictures of the interiors but the first picture was my Legacy family home. The second is the Town Hall which has a big meeting room and a small courtroom at the far end. It's not a community lot. The Mayor and his aides (7 of them) all live there. It's funny because the Mayor walks around town alot, like an NPC.
Oooh, very nice. I want to say that people shouldn't feel like they need to post only their big houses. I have a small house I'm very proud of I plan to post soon ... aaand here it is.
This is one i did a short while back. I call it "The Luxurihome". Intro Pic | 1st Floor Overhead | Rear Left Aerial | Right Front Aerial | Front Road View
The picture is so tiny. It looks like one I posted. If it is I can try to upload it to Sims2. I've never done that with a house before.
Very nice, you guys. I noticed my "small" home barely fits on my screen! The pix don't really do it justice. It has a lot of fun nooks and crannies. I plan to have the toddler you see playing next to the couch inherit the house and the rest of the family eventually move out ... it's getting crowded and I want this family to be my "Tuck Everlasting" challenge family ... need more room for that!
Everyone spends so much time on their houses. I usually just put up some walls really quick and stick in some semi-matching furniture, and then I'm done. I'm usually too eager to start playing with the actual family than I am to build the house--a big difference from TS1.
Some other shots of the Town Hall ... I did upload it to my Sims2 page but the upload gave me an error message (the file is huge and has 8 people living in it.) It does, however, allow you to look at the different levels. That's a neat feature.