Sicko Has anyone seen this movie? It came out recently, it's a documentary about America's healthcare industry. It's really astonishing what we do. We couldnt find it in theaters anywhere, we had to drive all the way to Branson. (1 hour away) Wiki link- Sicko
LOL I don't think health care is regarded as being 100% here in the UK ... or anywhere else for that matter. My son took his MD, ink still wet, and considerable student debt off to Australia in order to complete his post-grad training in the wake of a super-computerised shake up in the way appointments of junior doctors is handled which is causing all sorts of ructions over here. The trouble with health care is that the grass really does look greener over the fences ... but that is probably because the fences are topped with extra thick green glass. If you take out profit then the government feels obliged to step in to regulate. Once that happens the poor will suffer (because 90% of tax money comes from the less well-off, either directly or indirectly) ... not a lot different to when the profit was there. In the US the less well off (the 50% below the median wage) pay for other people's health insurance through the prices of the goods and services they buy. Before we had the NHS in the UK health was largely funded by charity. Naturally when Lady ffartington-Smythe donates a handsome cheque for a thousand quid to the local hospital it makes headline news ... no-one notices the thousands collected in rummage-sales, street collections, lotteries etc. ... all of which comes from the ordinary populace who always have sixpennyworth more to buy than is ever found in the purse. Lady ff-S spends 20K a year on her racing stables .... Sheesh. I sound like a communist and I'm an unreformed Conservative. Socialism works on goodwill ... but it requires infinite amounts of that scarce commodity. Conservatism works but only if the government is so conservative that it does nothing at all ... meaning that of course it works: we said we'd do nothing and nothing was what we achieved! My worry is that middle ground politics is gaining credence. Can someone please complete the following well-known saying: You Can't Fool All The People All The ____