sim kids

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by JulzSC, Oct 13, 2004.

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  1. JulzSC

    JulzSC Wanderer

    sim kids

    Why can kid sims learn skills so much faster then adults? or is that just cause my sim kid is smarter? it also seems like my kids always want to clean, not the adults. whats up with this?
  2. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Maybe becasue the want to impress their parents?
  3. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I've never observed a tendency to want to clean more that isn't tied to their neatness, but I suspect kids are more inclined to clean than adult of the same neatness rating simply due to scarcity of choices. Given that kids are not able to raid the fridge or do many of the other obsessive sim behaviors, they end up with nothing to do but cleaning. This is not surprising, since that's what I used kids for in TS1.

    As for the child prodigy effect, it seems that this varies. While kids are all, to some degree, more adept at picking up early skills than their adult counterparts, it appears that all is not necessarily equal: A child of two maxed knowledge sims, for instance, chows down books like nobody's business. I don't know if this is related or not, but the kid had hit logic 8 in her 3 days as a toddler, and had a healthy smattering of Charisma and Creativity points on the side. The middle child, a son, had less of an aptitude towards pure logic points, but had about as many points in a more balanced spread across all the toy categories, and maxed out all of his skills in his mid teens without difficulty. The last child, another son, wasn't quite as pronounced as the previous two, but certainly was no slouch, either.

    I suspect either that knowledge sims produce smarter children, or more skilled parents produce smarter children. It could also be entirely random. The sample size is not sufficiently large yet to disprove the idea that it's purely random.
  4. BrynHilde

    BrynHilde New Member

    also this depends on the player, JM obviously is a power Simmer who has the capacity to micro-manage these skills effectively... I prefer to spend ages trying to get super introverted Sims into a relationship :p

    Well that and creating replica towns ( my hometown atm )... I'm currently impressed with myself if I can get a Sim to max in any one skill in their lifetime.
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Super-introverted sims are the EASIEST to get into relationships: In fact, even left to themselves, they'll often make friends, particularly if there are many such introverted sims in the neighborhood: The reason being that Shy sims have unoffensive personalities, and will likely choose to chat when uncontrolled. Grouchy ones will occasionally antagonize the others, but not being outgoing, they'll likely keep it to a minimum anyway and rarely drive things below -10 before they try to chat, which usually fixes it up high enough that they no longer attempt to annoy. Shy, serious, and nice sims are FAR better at making friends when left alone than any combination involving outgoing and playful: Outgoing, playful sims will constantly attempt to play with total strangers, a behavior which invariably antagonizes all but the very nicest sims, and even those are put off to some degree.

    Naturally, when I'm ruling over my Sims with an iron fist, my usual interaction sequence for making friends tends to be along the lines of "chat x4", and then wait for that to run out before seeing what to do next. Shy, serious sims already have this propensity when interacting with others, so when uncontrolled as guests or community lot visitors, they don't antagonize other sims, and when you return to them, they invariably have a spate of new near-friends.

    In contrast, two outgoing sims of even moderate niceness, managed to become mortal enemies and pick a fight when neither was being controlled by me. Even my grouchy ones don't manage to tick someone off enough to pick a fight!

    I'm kind of a slave-driver in that respect: Because Sims create anarchy when left alone for too long, once they start trying to raid the fridge for no **** good reason, I start looking for an activity to "park" them at. This invariably tends to be studying, since a Sim will not break from studying until a need goes critical or his mood fails. Thus, the sim can be considered securely "parked", and I can focus my attentions elsewhere. Of course, while parked, they're obviously productively skilling.

    As an example of my slave-driving, assuming a solo sim played continuously, it takes me an average of about 15 days to, unassisted, acquire all necessary skills and friends and max his career, starting from a scratch CAS with the stock 20K. Knowledge Sims will, often, in the process, max several skills, since in order to plat a knowledge sim for promotion, you have to skill obsessively. This, of course, makes him preemptively promoted, and depending on how many "useless days" appear, it's possible for the guy to make several promotions continuously as his upcoming "day off" suddenly is a working day of new position. On the flipside, a string of "useless days" can potentially arise in certain career tracks in which you get a promotion, which is then followed by one or more "days off" because your new job no longer works on those days, so you can't get your promotion even though you met all other requirements in advance because you can't go to work. So you're basically stuck with one or two useless days, which plague you, as you must struggle really hard to make sure you regain plat by the next working day. This is a major problem with fortune sims! A fortune sim who cannot work cannot accomplish any of his wants: They want to work, get promoted, earn money, and spend money: None of this happens if they can't go to work. A fortune sim can thus can stuck in a very unsatisfying rut as a result, something you can really only break by using the Energizer to send him out in max-green, which is almost as good as platinum. Hopefully he'll still be at least Gold, or it'll be a risky move.

    I'd have to say that popularity sims tolerate these day-off strings best: PARTY!

    Romance sims don't really take to working lives well at all: They don't care at all about most skills, and while it's easy to make Romance sim happy, it's hard to do so on demand, because they tend to roll power wants which are difficult to set up. When they're happy, though, they're really happy. Woohoo + Woohoo with specific sim + Woohoo in specific place + Woohoo with X sims, where this sim is your Xth woohoo = major ASP. The massive overwash is generally good for at least 6-8 waking hours.
  6. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I sooo hate this part of the game. I find myself keeping people on the sidewalk and chat, chat, joke, chat, admire (after saving), etc, until I get that blasted happy face. I never have parties because they just seem to be a huge waste of money, time, stats with massive cleanup afterward. I seldom let others in my house unless they barge in and help themselves to a plate or jump in the pool. The phone-a-friend seems to be a big help but they talk as long as real teens...and now I have to manage sim children and teen social lives. :eek: I really hate that everyone seems to bring home company from work or school at the worst time. Am I missing something here or is it how everyone plays? :confused: It's such an integral part of the game I wish I enjoyed this aspect more. I practically keep each family insular..I might as well name my neighborhood hermitville. I'd love to know how others manage this aspect of the game.
  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, it's surprisingly easy to just queue an 8-line chat and just let the thing run. If I want to change it later, I do it by cancelling the chats I no longer need. That way it keeps the visitors under secure lockdown and stops them from running amok. Don't bother saving, just play it very conservatively.

    Popularity sims love parties, and massive cleanup is the maid's problem. :)

    However, it *DOES* GREATLY streamline the issue if you design your home to support parties: A normal home intended primarily for habitation is NOT suited for hosting a party: There are too many distractions scattered across the house, which causes your guests to run hither-and-yon, terrorizing your home and clogging the arteries, making it impossible to travel. TS2 is much better about this, but it's still a problem.

    You REALLY need to completely rethink your design if you plan on making parties a regular feature. The usual concept of corridors and rooms where various things are placed is simply out: Instead, think "Grand Hall". Anything a guest would be conceivably interested in belongs in this room, or very close to it. The TV goes here. The best, comfiest couches go here. The buffet table is here. All of the games go here. The room should be huge, spacious, and open: There should be basically no risk of traffic jams. In fact, it should be the entry room of your house, and you should have multiple sets of double doors: Entry and exit bandwidth into this hall should be maximized. It doesn't hurt to enable entry from multiple angles, so that people entering the lot from different sides will pass through seperate doors, rather than gum up at the entrance. When hosting a party, one of your sims should begin by serving as the "caller": Stand in the center of the hall and "call over" any Sims that have bunched up at the entrances.

    I don't generally furnish my homes with a pool, but I don't really find it a problem if the guests want to entertain themselves with the pool. It's in a fairly remote corner of the house, so at least they're not terrorizing the rest of the house, and if I really dislike them, they've already signed their own death warrants. How nice. In fact, I have just such a pool for pesky folks on one of my lots: It has a diving board, and no ladder. :)

    Hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't tell them to jump in.

    Friends from work is a great thing for an early solo-sim, because it's one of your primary avenues of making fast friends for work promotion. Once you have an actual FAMILY, however, these visitors become very much undesirable, since they disrupt routine, and you likely already *ARE* friends and keep in touch regularly by phone.

    Friends from school is nearly invariably a BAD THING. Firstly, it's nearly always worthless townie children, who will now harass you by phone at all hours. Secondly, kids have homework to do, and have no time for such silliness. Lastly, it invariably requires the attention of a free sim to banish these nuisances, since they'll rampage through your house as the kid who has dragged this thing home is busy with the entire "cheer and drop off homework" thing. 9/10 times, the "friend from school" is an unwelcome guest. Sooner, one of the family friends is always the "Very Bad Man". Isn't it so nice that he immediately takes a liking to these pesky, unwanteds, after which some time spent on his lot will rectify the problem rather nicely? :)

    Not to mention it's very therapeutic for me, the player.

    Only on very rare occasions do kids from school actually haul home the kids YOU created and WANT them to befriend and grow up with. Grow up with being the operative words here!

    I'm pretty sure that only us fascist control freaks play like this. I happen to see exactly where you're coming from, but I've moved beyond that now. I mastered the fine art of ruling over Sims with an iron fist in TS1, and I'm happy to report that those skills work even better in TS2. Sims think they're smarter than me, but I show them. I show them good.
  8. macmom

    macmom New Member

    Hey I LOVE Trogdoor!!!!!!!:D

    Sorry Its Kinda Weird how i have to use my moms account

    Im going to see if i can make my own it will proboly be Homestarunner or something like that.:)
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    opps....try not to do two of the things you just did here.

    First, watch the dates! This one was from back in 2004, dead threads should stay dead. Especially when what you contribute to the thread honestly doesn't add anything.

    Second, don't bump your own threads like that. I'm now going to merge your three posts into one. There should be an edit button for you next time you feel the need to repost after recently adding a comment to that thread.

    I'm also locking this thread as it was from 2004.
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