The Sims speak Simmish, or whatever that language is called, not an actual langauge. You cannot make them speak anything but that garbled stuff, I'm afraid.
Sims don't spe4ak English. They speak "Simlish" ... this means that you are not supposed to understand them ... but their expressions, tone of voise and body language should give you a good idea of what they are on about ... and just to make it even easier to understand they even have l'il bubbles over their heads showing what they're thinking. OK?
Mirelly, I think that was the best "TUTORIAL" of Simlish I've ever heard especially I would have never though of sayin' it like that.
Now sometimes I hear things that "sound" like english. Maybe it's just my imagination. But, ever notice, an outgoing sim will enter a room, point both fingers at whoever's in the room, and say, "Sass-ay!" It sounds to me like he's either saying, "sassy", like, "Looking real sassy today, babe." or "Sex-ay!" which needs no explaination. LMAO!! There's another one they say that my foggy mind (need more caffiene!!) can't think of.:tired:
Actually TS2 simlish is pretty poor compared to the TS1 stuff. I've clearly heard sims saying "smellio" when they want a bath and the variety of ethnic diversity used in the actors means that there is no longer any consistency. It is actually possible to hear the actors' principal language most time. It might just be me but I am sure I have heard clear traces of German, French and Japanese inflexion (though the latter could've been Korean or even Chinese ... *nods in agreement with Michelle*). The drive by Maxis to widen the game's internationalized scope by using multi-ethnic voices has failed, paradoxically, by highlighting the huge differences in the way humans from different parts of the planet use their voices to communicate. The end result is sims no longer have a definite language just a mish-mash of sounds that annoy more than anything else because a boys child can grow into a teen who shrieks like a girl then turns into an adult who sounds like a vaguely angry Nazi before becoming a bent old man with the tremulously quavering voice of an elderly female Japanese peasant. Anyway. Sour rant over. I've just finished reinstalling Windows ... that wasn't the hard part. The hard part was restoring the other software ... not mention re-aquiring SP2 ... I still haven't finished but I'm gonna find out what's on my back up disc before I do anything else ...
yeah I did notice that in TS2 the language is a little off! In TS1 the language was more easier to understand and had better catch phrases. Only thing I hear now is NooBoo (for baby)
I like that they speak Simmish! If I had to listen to the same "Mi Dardi" conversation in English each time someone talked on the phone I think I'd go stark raving mad. This way, I'm actually having fun trying to memorize some words. (Just for fun: What do you think "Mi Dardi" means? Anyone?) I think they did it so the game would be truly international. That way everyone can enjoy the game equally. But another nice side effect is not having to listen to their inane conversations. I mean, how often do you really want to hear them talking about the same old stuff?
I agree with Mirelly that simlish in Sims 1 was a little more brilliant than in Sims 2. When Sims 1 told a joke, it really sounded like a poem. And they said hello and goodbye in a way i often could pick up in my real life. Now im still waiting for such moments... Well, simlish is still genial. And there are some european language phrases inside, but i think, just like phrases from other part of the planet. Its all a big brew
LOL this thread is proving fun. Hmmm ... "mi dardi" I think it means something like "oh! that's a tough break" (in proper British english: "'ard luck, moush!" LMAO) Who wants to have a go at translating the often used by teens expression: "a toodi pleep"?
Simlish rulez! I love SImlish! Me and my kids will occassionally say "shababadoo!" in real life, like in the pizza commercial.
Oh! I so totally agree about "mi dardi" that's perfect! I think "a toodi pleep" means either, "you rock dude!" or "you're so lame." Maybe they say it, you know, ironically, when they get the second one. All of my geminis and leos do the "Sa-saaay!" thing, with two finger points, so I agree that it must mean "You're so sassy," or "Hi gorgeous." One of my leos also does this weird little growly thing. OK, what about "Mash nu"? Anyone? They usually say it on the phone ... Oooh! Ooh! And what's your favorite woohoo noise? Mine is the truck. "Arrrr-arrrrr!!!"