Spreading the Addiction Around Like a Townie Spreading The Flu!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Spreading the Addiction Around Like a Townie Spreading The Flu!

    My In-laws are visiting. My MIL is staying a couple of weeks with us waiting for my SIL to give birth. I won't give you all the grusome details, but my MIL is about as annoying as that little Margaret Townie!!! Yaps all the time. LOL So her visits make me nervous, so before they arrived last night I was playing a new house on TS2 I had just finished. When they come in, I just paused the game, I don't know why. BIL wanders over to the computer desk, sits down, looks at if for a second and says, "What's this game?" I told him it was TS2 and told him he could play it for a little while, just "don't kill anyone." LOL He was silent as he figured out the controls, and then about an hour later he called me over and said, "I keep seeing all these diffrent people. Did you make them? How?" I explained body shop, even offered to open it for him so he could create his own sim. Instead, he was tired of playing a new, poor house so I put him into another one, the one that I barely play anymore. He sat there clicking and playing away, didn't hear anything we said to him. At one point he called me over and said, "Did you know that when they are sleepy and you force them to swim against their will, they die?" He had killed off the mother! A little while later I walked past the computer and noticed he had one of the children floating on her back, so I told him, "Don't kill the kids, I like them!" He finally turned off the computer when his wife yelled at him at twelve-thrity! He was shaking his head and saying, "I never got so involved as I did playing that game!"

    Ahhhh, another one of us infected with the Sims Flu!!! ;)
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    What a great story, Kristalrose!

    Too bad you couldn't interest your MIL in it. Maybe then she'd be less annoying! (Tell her about your 51 year old doctor buddy from the Pacific NW who plays the game.) Of course, once the baby is born things will be easier. She'll be bugging your poor sister instead of you. ;-)
  3. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    In Laws

    My In-Laws hate me like the Dutch hate the sea. Really. :devious:
  4. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Lovely story, Kristal :). Last time my grandparents came down, my granny played the Sims for a while. It was lots of fun watching her make a family, narrating the process with cries of disapproval and hilarity at their appearances.

    I usually save and give them free reign, to torment and murder as they please. Last time my boyfriend played it, he made an observatory on top of a towering hill in one of my my Sim family's gardens, locked my Sims in it, and took enormous pleasure in watching them pass out, wet themselves and eventually starve to death, in between watching the heavens/their neighbours in the shower.
  5. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    :) I plan on showing to her tonight. But she has no computer knowledge and can't work a mouse!

    Plus, back when I started playing TS1, I was downloading objects from a website. She sat with me and had a great time helping me pick out things to download. When we got done, she asked, "So, what happens now? Do they send all this stuff to your house? And how do you get this stuff for free?" She thought I was shopping online and buying REAL counters, tables, beds, curtains, etc!!!
  6. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Sounds like a murder! does he enjoy killing people? LOL
  7. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Good story Kristalrose! My relatives are so computer-illiterate I would be scared to let them near my computer in case they crashed it badly!

    I think it's great that you are "infecting" others with the game though! I find it more addicting than any other computer game I've played! Must be that "God-complex" thing that I have!! :rolleyes: As far as killing one's Sims, that does seem to be a common thread in some of our stories! Hmm, what a blood-thirsty lot we be! ;)

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