Star Wars: Episode 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCrow21, May 9, 2005.

  1. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    Star Wars: Episode 3

    lol, someone had to start the topic so i took it upon myself to gather all the nerd inside me and bring it on.
    Lol, just joking, is anyone going to see it? It's coming out on my mates birthday so i'm going to see it, it's meant to be the best of all the star wars, but as long as it's better then 2 i'm satisfied :rolleyes:
  2. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    well either that weekend or the next i will see it. I was all bummed one of my friends friends gave him tickets for the 12.01 showing -.-
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    sneak in ;) LOL!
  4. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I might, who knows. It really depends on if a friend wants to go and see it with me... But at the same time I doubt it because I'm not a SW fan and I'm not sure if he is. But you know, it's a new movie coming out so we might go just to say we've seen it. :p
  5. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    My husband bought tickets for himself and our nephew for the 12:01 session about a month ago, he has a huge collection of star wars stuff. Absolutely mad about it all. He's actually counting the days until he can go see it... Me, I'll wait a few weeks probably.
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I'm married to a 37 year-old manchild who still has his original figures and ships from the seventies taking up space in my bedroom closet!! He has gleefully taught both my little boys (including the baby, only 15 months!) to love anything Star Wars. So, yes, I am going. :)
  7. latmere1

    latmere1 Blah Blah

    im going to see star wars revenge of the sith on saturday the 21st (the first weekend its out)
  8. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Actually, after seeing some more previews of it, and noticing that Episode II is premiering (on TV) next Sunday, I think I will go see Episode III. Might as well since it's the last in the series and theaters are always better than TV screens.
  9. copter

    copter New Member

    heh they've started star wars breakfast spoons promotion here, in a box of cereal theirs a chance you'll get a spoon that glows when you press it or something, supposed to be like a light saber. a sure sign a movie's getting along just fine..
  10. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    Well, hubby went and saw it last night and loved it, said it was the best one out of the three recently made, answered a lot of questions.
    And in regards to the spoon copter, shake the box before you buy it, works every time, the one with the spoon sounds different cos its on the bottom of the box, trust me with three boys and a husband that all love star wars and want there own spoon, it hasn't failed me yet!
  11. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    I could have seen a VIP Premeir for Pepsi Employees the other day, But stupid skool got in the way :angry:
  12. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

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