Stopping the evolution? What if i want to stop the evolution exsample: I made giantig snake, and i want it to be a primitive beast who doesn't have civilisation? What could I do? :dunno: :mischievous:
I think... that you can just NOT choose a bigger brain... I mean in the video there's 3 brain stages... The little one is for "alone"-living.. The medium is "huts" "herds".. And the big is the civilization.. :smile:
Oh YES! Why I didn't thought that! (silly me) I have other thought: When creature doesn't evolve, game doesn't continue. But I want it to continue. So, can any other creature evolve? and i can just stay in "animal mode." Oh, so many questions.. PS: I'm bad at spelling. ^^'
I'm not pretty sure about that, i could be possible to stop evoulotion of one creature, and it could be not possible, so you'd actually have to stop the Universe evoulotion proccess, but let's wait for more info... Heat
I doubt Spore is going to rush you through the game making you evolve as fast as possible. That would take all the laid back, expirementing fun out of it. This is a non-issue. Just don't change your creature if the evolve screen comes up and you'll be fine. All the other cities on your home planet are filled with your creature, so if you don't evolve then no one else has evolved.
Except the other cities, which will rush to eat and occupy the little non developed creatures :silly: Heat
Your creature. The brain is part of your creature. If you don't change it, it doesn't get changed. Do you just not listen to Will Wright?
Eh, I can't listen will very well, because I'm still studying english and will's speaking is.. umm.. aagh.. hardly understandable?
Yah,, he IS murbling a little... I'm not totally educated in english yet :blush: and he's kinda difficult, especially in Gaming Steves Podcastes !! :angry: