Troubleshooting Swimming bug

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by bangin knee song, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    Swimming bug

    As my sim was about to dive into the pool, I for some reason randomly decided to pause the game and use the MoveObjects cheat (I think I'm abusing this cheat a bit too much) to move her onto the grass. She ended up diving into the grass, and now she swims around everywhere instead of walking, with the water sound effect and everything. I tried making her go back into the pool and then out again, but she still swims. She then went to school and came back and it still didn't fix anything. Even closing the game and starting it up again wouldn't work. It was funny at first watching her swim through the carpet, but now it's just annoying :(

    She's going to turn into an adult soon, and if that doesn't stop her from swimming around everywhere, she's screwed. Is there any way to fix her?

    Attached Files:

  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Can she use objects normally? Most odd behaviors seem to clear up if you travel to and then back from a community lot.
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Try putting her back into the it is technically your fault for using the move_Objects on cheat in the first place ;)
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hope we find out how this turns out.

    I mostly only use the Moveojects cheat mostly to redevelop a house around a family. Sometimes a wall cannot be built without shifting a sim out of the way and I often don't bother putting them back. Usually the moved sims will 'boing!' back to where they were before they were moved ... this can result in them becoming embedded in an object. Sometimes they will get stuck there, other times they won't. It's all very confusing isn't it? ;)
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Once again, I place the blame squarely on tight pants.
  6. copter

    copter New Member

    hehe, I couldnt help laughing at the attachments ;) Makes me wish I had TS2-I'll do that when I get it ;p
  7. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    Yeah, she could use objects normally. She would come up from the imaginary pool below her whenever she had to do anything besides walk. I didn't try the community lot thing, but the problem ended up fixing itself once she turned into an adult.

    But I have a different problem now... for no apparent reason, one day when I started the family up, they were all completely frozen. And the clock just stays at 1:22am no matter what speed I put it on. I tried deleting everyone and then restarting the game, but all that did was move them next to the mailbox, and they're still frozen. Is the only solution to this to move them out of the lot? What would happen to the house/family if I did that? It would suck to have to rebuild the whole house again, seeing as I just completely redesigned it about an hour before this happened :(

    At least I got a nice dramatic shot of the family, stranded and frozen by the mailbox:

    Attached Files:

  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh dear! That poor toddler is gonna be roadkill come carpool time.

    Always do a save before a big build session. When things go wrong they usually like to do so when you are challenging the software to keep track of your fickle choices. ;)
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I wish that "roadkill" was an actual cause of death in TS2. I mean, what's the point of discouraging children from playing in the road if the risk of becoming a road waffle is nonexistent anyway?

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