Te is the 1st winner of EA Thailand's Create A Sims Contest!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The T, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. The T

    The T New Member

    Te is the 1st winner of EA Thailand's Create A Sims Contest!


    This is Tib, Te's lovely sister again.

    I have just go to the contest page ( http://www.ea.co.th/eagames/SimsCompetition.php ) and found that "Te is the 1st winner of EA Thailand's Create A Sims Contest!".

    This is what made he win...
    The Thai Formal dress...that you can get it at
    and more color at

    Because they found that there are Cheating on the Voting of Model No. 30 and Model No. 60. So they are disqualify...and Te who have been the 3rd must become the 1st.

    I have phone to tell Te at the dorm...he screaming out loud...lol. But he still have tests untill Nov. 3rd.

    The 1st winner's prize is "Doraemon: Doraemon The Robot DTR-01B by Bandai" imported from Japan.

    Its Price is about "US$299.99" that is a lot of money in Thai.

    From the info. on the site...
    It is As part of their Real Dream Doraemon Project (RDDP), Bandai is collaborating with a variety of companies and research institutes to create a "real" Doraemon by the year 2010. The project is based on the idea that if a real Doraemon could come and live in all of our houses, life would be a lot more fun.

    Bandai has made a gigantic step toward recreating the real Doraemon with their spectacular "Doraemon The Robot". Extremely limited in quantity, this robot stands 265mm tall and is loaded with functions that will amaze and entertain you, just like the real Doraemon. Features include word recognition and response function for a predetermined set of words, as well as a programming function that lets you program Doraemon with words and responses of your choice! Doraemon is loaded with an array of sensors (light, angle, movement, sound, etc.), each of which triggers different responses. Doraemon can also be programmed to deliver a variety of messages on days of your choice (birthdays, holidays, garbage day, etc.), and can be used as an alarm clock as well. The dorayaki (Doraemon's favorite snack) shaped remote control has various control functions, including 5 games that you can play with Doraemon.

    You can order one for you at...

    And he has phone to the Tel. No. that they told the winner need to contact to. And found that the prizes that have imported have not arrive yet. They told that they will arrive about Oct, 18th or 19th...then they will phone him again to get the prize among with other winners. Let's hope it is not on his test days.

    I am really pround of him:) Congratulation!!!

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Whoo Hoo!!! Congrats Te!!!! :D :D :D :D

  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yay! I'm glad he won!! Congratulations Te! I hope he has fun with the robot, it sounds pretty exciting! :D

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