Teacher Love

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by gyro_kisschasy, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    Teacher Love

    Does falling in love with your uni professors actually get you higher grades. :knockedout:
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yes but be warned that making a prof who loves a sim jealous (one flirt with another sim is enough) will crash your sim to flunk-out red in les time than it takes to say: "oops" ... and having two profs in love with the same sim is a disaster waiting to occur :rolleyes:
  3. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    Ok thanks. I think ill stick with late night studying. :cool:
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Influencing other sims to write your term paper or do your homework are two ways to get ahead without working very hard. It helps if your sim is somewhat influential, first.

    If you're in a greek house and make your pledges do it it doesn't even cost you any influence points.

    Apparently if you want really good grades you can influence someone to do your term paper and then go write it yourself as well.

    Or you can do it the old fashioned way and just write it yourself. I had a vampire graduate with honors just by doing his term paper every semester and also a lot of assignments. He of course attended his final exams too.
  5. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    how do you become a vampire? :eek:
  6. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Be bitten. Usually vampires are downtown at night. You have to have NL though.
  7. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    yes i do have nightlife. how do you get bitten or do they just come up and attack you. It sounds interesting. What place do they hang out at or is it just anywhere? :cool:
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    You have to get your sim and the vampire into a good relationship, and the vampire will bite you. Once you let a vampire bite one of your sims, it triggers their ability to just autonomously bite sims wherever they go, no matter if they even know them or not.

    In my game the Count usually hangs around Rodney's Hideout, and the Countess goes to the Maple Springs Pool and Spa. But it varies between games.
  9. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    Thanks ill try that with one of my sims i dont like just in case i dont like the outcome ;)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I had a heck of a time getting bitten and finally had to resort to influencing the countess to bite another playable sim, and then having that sim bite the sim I wanted to be a vampire in the first place ...

    The vampire fix from Pescado will solve the random biting problem and possibly save the lives of sims you do care about ... nothing like going to a lot where a sim was, say, feeding a baby in broad daylight and have them suddenly burst into flames.

    Vampires are tricky to play at first. Read the other threads about this for more info. My biggest piece of advice is never let them get out of their coffin for any reason during the day other than final exams. Or if they need to care for a baby or toddler. But make sure they're in a basement or a room with no windows if that's the case. (That's a good idea anyway.)

    Also, keep an energizer machine handy at all times.
  11. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I just gave up. I had a very good relationship with the Count, we had a 90/88 relationship, WITHOUT being friends! I tried night after night to get him to bite me, but now he can bite me! Get it?
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Heh. Funny. I had the same problem with the countess. You need to invite the count and another playable sim to your house and then influence the count to bite them.

    But then, beware. Random townies, and occasional player sims, will get bitten as well unless you get the vampire fix.
  13. Deva

    Deva New Member

    where... is... this... vampirefix...? :eek: :eek:
  14. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Here. It's called 'vampirefixes.zip'.
  15. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    i bought a potion from the matchmaker and it was called something with a Vampiro in it im not sure:bandit: what it is or what it does, can anyone tell me?:eek:
  16. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Vampirocillin, or something along those lines. You give it to your vampires and it turns them back into humans...or as much of a human as a sim can be.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    But that's different from the vampire fix, which is a hack by Pescado to keep your game from imploding.
  18. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

  19. jennyno1

    jennyno1 New Member

    its called vampire:d or something anyway it turns ur vampire back into a normal sim
  20. jennyno1

    jennyno1 New Member

    how come when my vampire sim got pregnant she had a normal sim baby? its not fair i wanted a vampire baby .:(

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