
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bryan, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Bryan

    Bryan Member


    I got a speeding ticket!! :confused: It's like giving tickets to little kids. ebil coppers!

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  2. Skuld

    Skuld Pro-Firefox

  3. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Heh. I bet getting one of those stink. Can't say that I've gotten one yet (although I've came kind of close a few times), which is good. Several times, if I had been caught, lets just say I wouldn't have a license for quite a while... and the ticket would have been huge. :(

    Mind if I ask how fast you were speeding, Bryan? :p (If you don't want to say I'll understand)
  4. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    I was only going 50 in a 30... heh only
  5. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Ah. I can see why then. Perhaps a school-zone or something? I've done that once or twice... mostly because those signs are either hidden behind something or I'm in a different town that I'm not familiar with.

    I'll admit that I have sped (?) a fair amount, if I knew I could get away with it. However, the second I do speed it's on a highway with very little vehicles on it (only in summer). It's fun (but I don't condone it).

  6. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    Choose one:
    Officer: "well, dont you know this is a school zone? can't you see the sign... *looks around, squints into distance* you know... over there, behind the tree. Ya know, I think there is some kind of law against that..."

    Officer: "Didn't you see the sign back there?!"
    City Works Employee: "we just took it down because someone sprayed grafitti on it"
    Officer: "Oh, but you should have saw "School" on the road!"
    CIty Works Employee: "we had to tear that out because a water main broke under it"
    Officer: "well, then, move along."
  7. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    "Poor you", Bryan.... I've actually never got a speeding ticket, despite something like 24 years behind the wheel.... But I've got parking tivkets tho.... Silly ones too. ;)

    Speeding isn't very smart I think. The worse ones rarely get into accidents themselves - BUT - they cause them!!! Some drives like lunatics. It's one thing to drive fast - another to be reckless and unconsiderate towards others on the road. Here we don't have that dense traffic like in UK for example. Hehe.... UK is about half the size of Sweden, they have about 36 mill. cars! Here we have about 6 mill cars... :D Still people can't behave but cause accidents. Still the traffic around Stockholm can be very dense, even if we never get the stops other cities like London get.

    Also we have an almost Zero-limit for driving and drinking. You can't even have a "normal" beer and then drive. But I think that's good. Alcohol is too many times proven to be bad when driving; reaction time, judgement etc.
  8. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    Poor Bryan, luckily i've never got a speeding ticket, now if only i could drive *tear falls from eye* :p
  9. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Why not take lessons and get your license Crow? I don't know your age, but... And I know it can be expensive, but with planning you'll make it. :)
  10. TheCrow21

    TheCrow21 Pie Fanatic

    lol, i'm still little 15 :p, i feel so young, lol, still got a long way to go till driving though :D
  11. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Naahhh... you're not that "little" if you're 15. Time flys quick enough. Enjoy your youth.

    There's no rush. Actually it's proven that those that are a bit older when they take their drivers license are less prone to get into accidents. Simply because thei're more matured. So take your time.
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hey! Me Me Me! LOL. I'm 51 ... I'll do a swap with you, Crow ... um second thoughts ... it won't seem like a long time when you get here. And yeah I agree with you: all adults are idiots. Trouble is agree with what my parents thought when I was 15 ... you young people don't know you're born! LMAO :lick::disappointed::cheeky:

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