Troubleshooting The best game play settings?-Cacheman & me....

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by micahdepeche, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. micahdepeche

    micahdepeche New Member

    The best game play settings?-Cacheman & me....

    I just recently downloaded the cacheman program hoping it might make the sims 2 a little faster for me but I have no idea how to make the settings in it the best for my computer. Heres the info for my computer. If you need anymore info. just let me know and Ill do my best to get it.

    Windows XP home w/ service pack 2
    Gateway laptop Solo 5350
    Pentium 3 processor
    1066 mhz, 1.06ghz, 760 mb of ram
    Intel 830M graphics controler 0
    Chip Type: 82830M
    Aprox. Total Memory 8.0mb
    Virtual Memory is set at
    Initial - 500
    Max - 1200
    it says minimum allowed 2mb & recommended 1137mb
    and space available - 12567 mb for drive c

    in the disk defrag it says my hard drive it 18.63 GB w/ 11.78 GB free (63%)
    and NFTS

    I use CCleaner, Disk clean up, defrag, and Adware all on a very regular basis also.

    If anyone can help me set up Cacheman or if you have any other ideas on how I should change my settings I would appriciate you letting me know cause I have no idea of what to do. And I am just wondering if you guys think my caomputer is pretty lame or pretty average? Thanks for your time.
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    You're in a tough spot.

    I don't know about Cacheman, but your graphics card is way under the minimums for TS2. The Intel cards which are ok for the game are the 82845G/GL, 82865G/GL and the 82865G/GL. And to run them the minimum processor is 2.0ghz and even then, they have a tough time running TS2. And the hard part is that laptops are very difficult if not impossible (depending on the laptop) to upgrade. Usually (unless you had one of the Alienware or similiar ones) the only upgradable thing is the RAM, certainly not the graphics card.
  3. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Good Lord, a Pentium III? Those were common 4 years ago. Remember when everyone was all worked up over the "Y2K bug"? Yes, P3's are THAT old. You need a new computer.
  4. micahdepeche

    micahdepeche New Member

    New Computer....its X-MAS!!!

    I dont suppose you want to get me one for Christmas do ya? Cause if you dont Im out of luck on getting a new one. Just thought I would check :D
  5. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    It's a pitty that this is posted on a non-professional forum cause this would have been great to show my boss!!!
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I'm sure that you could find something similar on a professional list.

    Currently, the law (as in deciding how much money to award someone who needs adaptive equipment such as a computer) says that they give the person a completely new upgraded computer every 2 years.

    It's pretty standard in the industry that a P3 is outmoded. I don't believe that even the bottom end business computers have P3s anymore. Dell, for instance, in their *bottom* line business computer (the Dimensions 2400) has a 2.4ghz processor (a Celeron, but it *is* their bottom of the barrel for business computers.)

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