The Best Program To Create Sims 2 Graphics. Hey, for the past month i've been using photoshop free trail to make graphics, not for the sims 2 but bebo skins. Now that the free trail is over i started woohoo simz 2 up again. So i've been using plain old paint to do my graphics and this online editor. Anyway. Does anyone know a good graphics program thats free, and similar to photoshop. I would buy photoshop but in my opinion, the price is a bit hefty. If anyone knows any similar programs used to edit graphics and are free then please tell me. Thanks p.s. I didn't know where to post this so sorry if its in the wrong section lol
Och, gae hae another battered Mars bar. (LOL we could do with a lot more Scottish speakers.) PS I'm just a ******* Sassenack
aww its an english person, i honestly didn't know what it meant, my vocabulary is quite poor lol. Im actually chuffed that i managed to spell vocabulary