The Nightmare Returns... From the desk of Callan Milne.... Can we say Uh Oh? Let's see this makes this his twelfth or thirteenth sims site....
lol. sounds like me and my first site attempts. man, those were the days. that was the only time i was an animated gif whore. ROFL.
*Psycho music in background* Does he send those things to every sim webmaster he knows? Why does he keep switching the URL? Meh. Whatever.
thanks AWWW thanks josh, this is really cool, I thought I'd get like none of the webmasters talking about me and now you've gone and done this, thanks man if you ever need anything just tell me. TY AGAIN!
Nice... I checked out the site... pretty cool... I hope we can get a Sims Search too... that would be so cool :chinese: