The Shiashi's Story Not all of these events are true. The Sims are real, but some of the story line is not. "Ahh, this is the perfect place!" said Link Shaishi as he exited his cab. Link breathed in the refreshing morning air as he gazed at the wonderful teak ranch. "Now all I need is a wife," He muttered "But hey, I'm hot...right?" Link entered the house and quickly unpacked. He knew some sort of welcoming commitee would come and "greet" him. Soon, the doorbell rang. Link was surprised to see that the welcoming commitee was entirly made of hot girls. This town won't need much getting use to... He thought as he began to cook dinner for the lovely young ladies.
Good start, Noobish. Just don't forget that this is a PG (family) site. Good hunting for a wife. I hope she's cute. A picture (using the manage attachments button) would be nice.