You're still going to the gym? Good for you! I joined the Y this week. Yesterday was my first workout. I've got a weight goal and also just need to raise my cardio levels at least once a day. I've started a new regimen, wish me luck ... Maybe we should give the Fitness Club thread another try?
That might be a good idea. I haven't done anything tough like join a gym, but I've been walking up and down the stairs several times at a stretch, just trying to build up stamina. My husband's been doing the same thing. We're both doing better and better at it.
LOL Lynet. I have to walk half an hour to school, then half an hour from school. And I'm not hungry during the day. Lately I haven't been eating breakfast... Usually I have like 4 weeties and milk. I only started skipping breakfast-recess-lunch when we moved here, I guess I wasn't ready for such a big school. There's practically nowhere to sit down at recess and lunch. Yr 10's are allowed to sit inside, but every time I go in there the yr 11/12's start yelling at me as yr 8's and 9's aren't allowed inside for lunch. And they try to kick me out of the canteen line too... Grrrr... Woah! I got a bit carried away!
I can sympathize. I always told my kids to forget about the nasty people in school. One day you'll be very busy with your exciting grownup life and those lunchroom idiots will be a distant can't-even-remember-what-they-look-like memory.
I think I was a little overzealous and I hurt my leg, so I'm taking a day off to let my muscles recuperate. It's not too painful as long as I don't climb stairs, but it hurts enough that I thought a day off would be smart. The Y, however, does have a jacuzzi ... I may have to check that out!
I'm such a gamer, I've been using Eyetoy: Kinetic as my exercise program and still use DDR... Now I just need to practice walking the campus of UT and I'll be all set.
[QUOTEYou're still going to the gym? Good for you! I joined the Y this week...][/QUOTE] lol! yes, took about two weeks off in july for the wedding but back to the gym starting last week. It'll cost me $40 a month whether I go or not till next february. so off to the gym I go...
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The bike reminds me of the toilet/recliner hybrid. The only downside to the bike version would be if the person crashed and/or tipped over. The gymnist thing scares me.