Topic association

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by crazy12234, Jan 31, 2003.

  1. crazy12234

    crazy12234 New Member

    Topic association

    ok, this is pretty simple..

    For example, the topic begins with 'brands of cars', you'll have to name different brand of cars. example:
    Or the topic is on 'colours' you can say ''

    If you want to change the topic, the topic must at least be going on for 10 times before you can change.

    So lets' begin!

    Topic: Brands of cars

  2. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    Alfa Romeo
  3. Billie

    Billie New Member

  4. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

  5. crazy12234

    crazy12234 New Member

  6. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

  7. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

  8. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

  9. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

  10. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

  11. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

  12. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

  13. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    i believe its 10 times already

    Topic: PC Games

    The Sims
  14. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

  15. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

  16. crazy12234

    crazy12234 New Member

    Who wants to be a millionaire
  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Metal Gear Solid
  18. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    Grand Theft Auto 3
  19. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Age of Empires
  20. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Who's Afraid of the Dark?

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