How Do I trying to move my sims from one town to another...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by TinkyKat, May 19, 2007.

  1. TinkyKat

    TinkyKat New Member

    trying to move my sims from one town to another...

    and it isn't happening! I have them in the people bin in Pleasantview and I want to move them to Riverblossom Hills...anyone know how??? There has to be some way! Thanks much!!!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    HI, Tinkycat. Can't be done, I'm afraid, or at least without major risk of coming to grief, because when moving a sim family that way, everyone they ever knew or met in the first neighborhood follows like evil shadows into the second neighborhood, although you can never meet them or phone them because they aren't really there. It causes problems.
  3. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Well I moved a few aliens from Strangetown to Veronaville and it worked fine.. No problems or nothin'. Except all their past relationships to other sims and stuff were completely gone. Perhaps I was just lucky? :biggrin:
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    just never ever ever do it, or it will bite you in the fanny.
  5. TinkyKat

    TinkyKat New Member

    why will it bite me in the fanny????? :eek:
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    because all relationships that the sim that u wanna move has, all those people, will dupilcate and mess up your game. Someone else like Mirelly or Lynet who has experience could help you better than me.
  7. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Well when I did it I just moved the house with my sims in it into the house bin and then went into a different neighbourhood and opened the house bin and placed my house somewhere in the neighbourhood and then it was done. I didn't have any problems with sims duplicating or anything... But if Lynet and Jazz say that it's not good to do that, then I guess it isn't but it worked fine it my game. :indifferent: :splat:
  8. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Often the game also transfer clones of every sim that your sim has meet, and adds them to the neighborhood files. Too many of these files will crash the game and corrupt the neighborhood.

    I think since the last few EPs the total number of files can be around 1000.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yup, it's those clones you need to worry about. You won't even know that they're there, but they are, in the form of character files. You can see the count if you look at the properties of the character file for that neighborhood. At one time the limit was about 800 such files before the game would kick you out of that particular neighborhood. The number may be higher now. I hope Flamey is right that it's gone up to 1000 because otherwise a couple of my neighborhoods are on the very brink of extinction. :(

    If your neighborhood was practically empty before you moved the family, you may not have problems in the beginning. But it's not a good idea.
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    That explains why I didn't have any problems. Moving that family to Veronaville was one of the first things I did in my game. :knockedout:
  11. dangerousgem

    dangerousgem New Member

    It must be higher than 1000, as I have 1,134 so far in Darkshire and no problems as yet.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Incredible, Gem!

    What EPs do you have? I am SO hoping the population count allowed has increased with the EPs.

    The 800 limit was explained by J.M. Pescado a couple of years ago, and I've heard tell that he always knew what he was talking about with regard to this game. But there have been several EPs released since then.
  13. dangerousgem

    dangerousgem New Member

    I've got all the expansions incl. seasons and I have the Celebration and Happy Holiday stuff packs.
    It probably was 800 with the base game, but with each expansion they would have had to add more since they were adding new sims themselves and I guess they knew we'd want to add more to the new areas we were given. e.g University
    It would be nice to know what the limit was now though.
    Before I had to restart my game I'm sure I had over 2000 in one of my neighbourhoods. I do a lot of Toddler challenges, I end up pulling a lot of hair out doing them but they're fun to do. :D
  14. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Well I read on ea that it can be done. Tho you lose all your connection and jobs and assets from the previous town. Its like starting all over again. So you wont get visitors from another town. you have to make new friends, from the town you are in. And get new jobs.

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