Under the Stars

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by darkdragonluver, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Under the Stars

    Okay, so I've been reading SBW's stories and they've gotten me addicted! So now I'm attempting one of my own. Just a note: I may not be able to update this regularly, I will do my best though! I'm still not quite sure where I'm going with this story yet, but I would appreciate it if you leave me feedback! Thanks :)
  2. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Introducing... Willow

    Willow stared out the window and sighed, the box of linens she had just gone to the store to buy was left forgotten by her feet. She leaned on the windowsill, watching the gorgeous man standing on their lawn; he glanced down at his watch before leaning down to pick up the newspaper sitting on the lawn.
    Willow and her sister, Darrie, and her brother Karal had moved into this house just recently and there were lots of stuff left to do to turn this house into their home. The linens that she had just purchased had to be put where they were supposed to go. The beds had to be made, the curtains put up, and the towels placed in the bathroom. That was on the short list of things to do, they still had plenty of furniture to place.
    Oh hes cute Will, you should talk to him. Willow just about jumped out of her skin before turning towards her sister and smiling sheepishly at Darrie.
    Sorry, I guess I just got distracted. Darrie waved a hand dismissively and bent to pick up the box of linens.
    You have worked harder than the rest of us today, you deserve a break. Besides, that is one fine specimen of male standing out there just waiting for you to meet him. Go out there and talk to him, you may not get a second chance. And with that Darrie walked off in the direction of the bathroom. Willow watched her go, and glanced out the window one more time. She took a deep breath and headed out the door.
    The man looked up from the paper as Willow approached him. He expertly folded the paper back up and handed it to her with a smile. She took it and waited expectantly.
    I noticed that someone was moving in to this house I wanted to stop by and introduce myself. The man seemed a little uncomfortable, and didnt continue so Willow held out her hand.
    My name is Willow. I just moved in with my sister Darrie and my brother Karal. He took her hand, his hand was warm and soft but he had a firm grip.
    Skan. He said simply.
    Is that your real name? She asked with a disbelieving smile, cocking her head to one side.
    Hey, dont knock it. Youre name isnt exactly common either, its not like Ashley or Brittany or something. He joked, which only made her like him more. She hesitated; he had come all the way over here, though she didnt really know how far away he lived, but still was it appropriate to ask someone you barely knew to come into your house?
    Our kitchen is finished at least. Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee or something? Im not a half bad cook if youre hungry.
    I am starving. He said, motioning for her to lead the way. She did lead the way, but not before she noticed him watching her with an appreciative glint in his eyes. I so want to fall in love and I want it to be with him! She thought to herself with resolve.
  3. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Out to dinner

    A week went by from the day that she first met Skan without even so much as a call from him. She was beginning to wonder if he didnt really care for her at all. Skan and Darrie had gotten into a fight in the few minutes it had taken Willow to visit the bathroom, and Skan had left in a huff shortly after.
    One afternoon, Willow was home alone reading a cooking book. She wanted to catch herself up on some of the latest tips and tricks of cooking. Darrie and Karal were out at work, which gave her ample opportunity for some alone time to hit the books. The doorbell rang, startling her out of her study of the art of making the perfect pork chop. When she opened the door, a beautiful vase of assorted flowers sat on the front porch. There was no card or anything to indicate who they were from or who they were for. She sat staring at the flowers for a few minutes before she stepped out onto the porch to pick them up and bring them inside. They really were beautiful and she wasnt about to just let them sit out there.
    I wanted to apologize. Skan said from where he was leaning, startling her again. She looked down the steps and saw him leaning against the side of the house. He pushed himself away from the house and made his way up the steps. He stopped a few short steps in front of her, and only now was she aware of how much taller he was than she was. She was also aware of his smell, which was spicy and wonderful.
    Darrie has a hard time getting along with anyone. I wasnt really surprised that she didnt like you.
    Thats not why I was apologizing. He said, taking her hand, Im apologizing because I havent called in a week. Mind if I take you to Londonste?
    Mind? Londonste is the best restaurant in town!
    Only the best for such a lovely lady. She couldnt help but blushing from a compliment like that.

    They arrived at Londonste and he did the gentleman thing and ordered for her. The food was delicious, his company was excellent and she couldnt have wanted more.
    Your sister is interesting.
    She has a hard time getting along with people.
    What if you and I became serious?
    What do you mean, you and I? This is only the first date. But the words still made her heart flutter. Maybe Skan was in this for the long run as well. Skan reached across the table and caressed her hands, sending vague thrills up her arm as he did so.
    I am very interested in you, Willow. I can only hope that you are as interested in me.
    I am also interested in you. It was a simple statement, but it meant a lot to Willow. A smile blossomed across Skans face, telling Willow all she needed to know, So, we did what we were supposed to do. Want to come back to my place now? She asked colyly, smiling at him, he smiled back at her slowly.
    That sounds like a very good idea.
  4. MoRgAn36

    MoRgAn36 New Member

    Great Story!

    Hullo!... Ahh my gosh, this is a REALLY good story, I like it.. Alot! Skan..hmm... weird name, but it makes him kind of seem... mysterious. LoL*. Can't wait for pictures... Willow sounds gorgeous (even though I haven't seen her yet or anything). Well I can hardly wait for the rest.!!! HeHe. GREAT JOB! Well I gotta skidaddle... so ttyl! Bye.:D
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I agree. It's a great start.

    I hope Willow takes her time about getting to know this guy. He could have skeletons in his closet or be an axe murderer or something. She hardly knows him. :eek:
  6. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    I know but Skan and Willow have three lightning bolts, so it only took them talking once (don't get me wrong it was a long talk but still) to get them all the way up to best friend status. Then I was thinking hmmm... had them flirt and there were the three lightning bolts.

    Anyway, I would put up pictures, but all the pictures I take are really tiny. There's probably some way to adjust it I just have to look through the settings and see if there's something I can do.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yes, there is a way to adjust picture size. I haven't looked at those controls in a long time so I'm not sure where they are. I have mine set for largest picture and highest quality. That will, of course, use up more hard drive space.
  8. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Okay I finally have an update for the story.

    Skan arrived back at his house late that night; Grace was sitting in their living room reading a book. Skan sighed already knowing what was coming. Grace put her book down and stared at him,
    Have a good time?
    Yes, I like Willow a lot. Grace watched Skan silently as he walked over and sat next to her, Grace I know you well enough by now to know that there is something you want to say.
    You were out pretty late with her. Grace raised an eyebrow.
    It was only a first date.
    But you were still out late with her.
    We let things get away from us.
    Youre going to have to tell her eventually, you know.
    But then shell hate me
  9. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Three months later, Willow was surprised to find that she was pregnant. Willow and Skan had had WooHoo only once, but apparently that had been enough for the not so unpleasant surprise. Willow and Skan had been seeing a lot of each other too, so it wasnt like they had lost interest. So, Willow picked up the phone.
    Hello? The feminine voice on the other end of the phone was very familiar to Willow by now. Grace had been living with Skan ever since Willow had met him. She was his roommate, but Grace and Skan had convinced her that they had no interest in each other. It had soon become apparent to Willow that the only reason why Grace and Skan were living together was for the convenience. It was easier financially for them to live together than in their own houses.
    Grace? Its Willow.
    Hang on Ill get Skan for you. The phone went silent for a moment while Willow was left on hold, then,
    Hi Skan.
    Hey babe, nice to hear from you!
    Well I have some news for you

    No, of course Im happy! Ill be over there in a bit to see you okay? Skan hung up the phone. Grace was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal.
    So you knocked her up then? Grace said, continuing to read the newspaper.
    Willow is pregnant if thats what you mean. Skan said, opening the fridge and taking out the eggs. He heated the pan while whisking the eggs together with cheese, shredded onions and spices.
    Are you really happy about it?
    Of course I am! This is going to be my first child. He sighed as he finished the omelette and put it on a plate, I just wish we could have been married first, or gotten to know each other a little better.
    You never told her did you? Skan sat down on the other side of the table and began to eat.
    Youre going to have to tell her now. But dont worry, Willow loves you, Im sure shell forgive you.
    Im sure she will. Thats not what Im afraid of.
    Then what is it?
    Im afraid that Im not good enough for her.
  10. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    David Delongrey surveyed the house he had just moved in to with a critical eye. The architecture of the house was uninspired to say the least, and was nothing as nice as the realtor had led him to believe. There was not even any landscaping.
    Oh well, I wont be living here long. David directed the movers to only place his furniture on the first floor. Once he had established himself in Ashgrove he would find himself a better house, or hed build one if it came to that. Not like Im short on money.
    David opened his cell phone and dialed a number.
    Hello Grace.
    David? What are you doing in town?
    I thought Id make sure my investments were working out the way theyre supposed to.
    You came to check up on us?
    Well well, arent we egotistical? No in fact, this town has some promising business opportunities. Ive decided to move here. David was silent, and when he received no answer, Where is Skan?
    Out, working. What did you expect?
    You two have been settling in to your assignment well then?
    Weve been settling in.
    Im going to be coming by tonight. I have another hit for you.
    Sure, boss. Whatever you say. Grace hung up the phone.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Eep! He's a hitman? I'm not sure I'd forgive that one ... :eek:
  12. HockeyGirl86

    HockeyGirl86 New Member


    OOO i love mobster stories! hehe this is a really good start to the story! I hope you'll be putting pictures up soon. I love having faces to put with the characters. LOL Post more soon! :)

  13. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member


    Okay, I was having a hard time figuring out how to get pix on here at first, but now I think i've got it. SO here they are at long last. The Sunsingers first:




    Attached Files:

  14. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    More Pix!

    Next in line is....



    David (He will become more important as the story moves forward)

    Attached Files:

  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You did well with the pictures.

    Willow certainly got herself into trouble, didn't she.
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    maybe darree was right to fight?
  17. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    That night when Skan came home, David was waiting. Skan walked in from spending time with Willow and froze as he saw David sitting on the couch.
    David. Skan tried, hard, not to let his dismay show.
    You may have moved to another town, but please remember that you did so on my orders. David said coolly,
    I know that.
    So whats this I hear about you trying to leave my organization?
    David David stood up and walked towards Skan.
    I understand that you have a girlfriend now, I also understand that she is pregnant. I will forgive you one infraction Skan, but I cant guarantee the safety of your girlfriend and future child if you dont do what I ask you to. David held out his hand, in it was an envelope. Your new assignments, along with Graces are in this envelope. See that she gets her assignment, will you? And with that David stalked out.
  18. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Karal sat in Club Karma, a new bar and dance club that had just opened up in town. He had invited Darrie to join him, but she didnt really like crowded places and had politely refused. Willow was extremely pregnant and nervous about leaving the house in case she went into labor. Not for the first time, Karal wished that there was someone else in his life. Someone who was not a member of his family and liked him for who he was. As he was drinking, a woman sat down on the barstool next to his, by the way she sat down so heavily he knew she had had a few drinks already, but she was attractive,
    Can I buy you a drink? He asked, sipping at his carefully. He had no desire to get drunk tonight.
    Sure thing. Karal motioned the bartender over,
    Would you please give this lady anything she wants on my tab?
    Dry martini up with an olive.
    A drink can say a lot about a person. Karal said as the bartender moved to make her drink,
    Really? So what does mine say about me?
    A martini is an extraordinarily simple drink, yet it is enjoyed by the most sophisticated people. You may not be trendy but you have style.
    Thats all?
    Well, for now. I still dont know anything about you. The bartender placed a napkin on the counter and placed her drink on the napkin. She tipped the martini in his direction before taking her first sip.
    Im Grace, by the way. She said,
    Thats a very interesting name; mine is Karal. She raised an eyebrow as she set her drink carefully on its napkin.
    Karal Sunsinger?
    Yes, that Karal. I suppose you know Willow by some means?
    Skan is my roommate. Karal laughed,
    So why have we never met?
    Just because Skan and I are roommates doesnt mean we get along.
    You dont like Skan?
    That might be too strong of a term. I dont really feel anything for Skan, like or dislike.
    I see.
    So, I think that you should know now that Im sort of a bounty hunter. Karal thought that she was just saying things because she was drunk.
    A bounty hunter? He said with a laugh,
    Yes, hit woman is too strong of a term because I dont always kill my targets. Karal stared at her for a moment, realizing that she wasnt just saying it. Maybe Grace was telling him this because she was drunk, but she wasnt making it up. He shrugged philosophically,
    You do what you need to I suppose.
    Yes but I like my job. No man will ever change that.
    I guess the trick is finding a guy who is not bothered by that.
    Are you bothered by my job choices?
    No. Karal shook his head smiling, Im not bothered at all.
    See problem solved. She clinked glasses with him, What do you do for a living?
    Im a doctor. Grace laughed, and Karal liked the sound of her laugh, it was full and rich. Karal joined in with a smile,
    You dont find that at all funny? Wouldnt we make a couple? I shoot people and you save their lives.
    Its very funny. I suppose that I should find you disturbing and never talk to you again, doctors oath and all. But I dont. Grace had finished her martini by now, So, youre a bounty hunter, as you term it. Does that mean that Skan is as well?
    Skan no. Though he hasnt really told Willow anything so Im not sure I should really talk about Skans current employment with you.
    Probably a good idea. I wouldnt want to be put into an uncomfortable situation by having to lie to her. Karal glanced down at his own drink in startlement when he went to take a sip and got nothing, Want another drink?
    I really shouldnt. I still have to get home, somehow.
    Ive got the car tonight; I could drive you if you want. He offered,
    As long as you promise to be on best behavior. She laughed, You know, because of your doctors oath and everything.
    I am always on my best behavior.
    In that case, lead on.

    Once Karal dropped Grace off, he almost wondered if maybe he had drunk too much himself. He was normally a very reserved person, so what would attract him to a woman who was so obviously dangerous? But she had just come right out and said that she was a bounty hunter whatever she had meant by it, most people wouldnt do that. Maybe she wasnt what she seemed, or maybe she didnt care about the possible consequences. Either way, Karal couldnt help himself, he was attracted to Grace. Maybe I should sleep on it.
  19. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Ebony came into the world with little drama, but a lot of excitement from his prospective parents.
    Karal had been out shopping with Willow when the first of her contractions had started, but by that time there wasnt much that Karal could do beyond call Skan to let him know that he was about to become a father and call the ambulance. The ambulance arrived just in time for Willow to give birth and pronounce her baby boy as healthy. When Skan arrived he was hardly able to breathe, making it obvious that he had run from his house to the store. Willow smiled at him and offered up their baby boy,
    Skan, would you like to meet Ebony?
    Well, we dont want you to feel left out. You cant be the only one in our little family to have an odd name.
    Thats not really why you named him Ebony is it?
    No, I also like the name Ebony. Besides, if he has your black hair it will suit him just fine. Skan shrugged,
    Alright, if you really want to name him Ebony. Willow nodded vigorously which made Skan chuckle. Willow held out Ebony, and Skan took him looking down in wonder at him.
    He looks more like you.
    He has my eyes, but I dont know how hell look when he gets older.
    It doesnt matter. Hes perfect.
  20. HockeyGirl86

    HockeyGirl86 New Member


    awww welcome to the world of sims little Ebony! Where did you think of that name anyway, its cute in an odd way. I like Grace she seems like an interesting character though maybe not so drunk next time. LOL anyways keep up the writing! :D

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