Vampire Energy Drain So, here's a weird thing that happened: I left my two vamps in the "full green," sleeping peacefully in their coffins, and went to play other lots, to which the vamps, especially my female one, were occasional visitors. Both vamps had exactly one "ahhh, the sun, it burns, I must flee" as I was playing other people. Honestly, they're so stupid when I'm not controlling them. I have to send them home and they still sometimes stay around. So, anyway, I go back to play and boy vamp is fine but girl vamp is almost dead! Her need thingies were all in the yellow or orange. I had to jump her into the energizer as soon as she woke up. So, apparently her visits were harmful to her? Why not him? Seems very strange to me. I've noticed sims' moods changing if I improved (or destroyed) a relationship while playing someone else, but I don't remember their need bars changing, at least not for the worse. Am I just not observant, or is this a new thing, just for vamps? Or possibly a one-time glitch? Just makes me jumpy, as she's my favorite sim. I'd hate to kill her by asking her to visit her family!
To be honest, gal, it sounds more like a glitch; though I haven't yet played any vamps yet ... I've only ever seen one of the pesky blighters anyway. Glad you were able to save your "Morticia" though ...
Well, I've been playing her parents for the continuity thing, trying to get them to elder before their grandchildren (from their other daughter) start to grow up, so I haven't peeked in on London for a while (the sim not the city). It's amazing how long their little simmy lives are with NL. They go on so many dates their front walk is lined on either side by vases full of red roses. Looks pretty cool, actually. But, anyway, hoping that next time I play her she's back to normal.