Variables for best friend/enemy/loves?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by schlottjl, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. schlottjl

    schlottjl New Member

    Variables for best friend/enemy/loves?

    A few questions:

    I want to kick it up and have some soap style stories in mind. I want to get them started then let their choices guide the story. So, other than aspirations, astrology and personality do you all know if there is any other variables that would make or break the relationships? :rolleyes:

    First, Its clear that aspirations and personality make the sim, but I almost get the feeling that clothes (revealing v conservative), age, and hair do to.

    Can anyone confirm?

    My redheaded women in short skirts are instantly popular and my longer haired open shirted men are too, but I tend to use the same 4 or 5 signs and go for the predictable pairings.

    I remember a sim site that tested the sign combos way back when under Sim 1. I am assuming the sign chemistry is the same in Sim 2 as was in Sim 1; :ponder: True?

    Finally, I would love to know if anyone has tested what variables add up to the best: friend/lover/enemy combos. Oh and....

    How about rich and poor?

    My 'hoods are looking like the burbs with cookie cutter styles and would love any ideas on little known or interesting pairings.

    **I wish that I could make a sim family something like this:
    - An elder man who lost his faithful wife and daughter in a tragic accident. He adopts her handsome teen son and figured that was all life would be now.... until he finds love again with a beautiful, young siren (and she should be mean and with the aspiration=money),

    Stick that old man and adult woman- on a lot between a single woman and a married man (one left and the other to the right.) The married guy must eventually be willing to stray...

    No soap could dream of starting any other way! If possible I would like to start maybe a genetic daughter to the elder man and his long suffering but occasionally haunting late wife. the son could have a Mrs Pobinson attraction. As he grows up the woman might want to be with the son and not the money bag.

    Thanks for any ideas...
  2. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    No ideas with realationships BUT I think the soap opera thing will be fun/funny:p
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL ... this is all far too deep for me. I like the idea of the soap thing, too, though ... when will you be doing posting it for our enjoyment, schlottjl?

    I remember wondering myself if the game made an attractiveness judgement based on appearance late last year but the theory didn't hold up very well. I like schlottjl's theory of sim skin revelation as being a factor in attraction but I suspect that we can all cite exceptions??
  4. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Seems all very possible to me. Start a family of 2 adults and 1 adult daughter and teen boy. Then stage your tragic "accident" and kill off the mother and daugther. This might give you some ghosts. I don't think you'll be able to adopt the teen, but he can still live with his grandfather.

    Set up your neighbours. Make his future love interest a fortune sims but don't make her very nice or outgoing. Make their astrological signs compatible. Also make sure the teen and the young tart has compatible signs as well. A quick search on the internet gave me the information as to what signs are compatible with each other. I believe this information came from the strategy guide.

    Oh, one thing however. I think that if you do have the old dude marry the young tart, it will make a relationship with the teen son impossible as she becomes part of the family. I'd just have her move in. Work that in your story. Maybe it's because the old guy isn't as gullible as he looks.

    Lastly, I doubt that hair style or clothing style has any influence on attraction. I think the only factors are signs and maybe interests.
  5. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Ya, clothes have absoutly NOTHING to do with it.
  6. schlottjl

    schlottjl New Member


    I am still in awe that I get reply posts when a question is asked. Gotta love the web! Particularly the sites that are not so crowded that you are bumped to oblivion before you can get any reply. Thank you all so much!

    I love that my idea didn't suck too much too!

    I had not thought about the incest issue. Duh, no Step relations. (Maybe Sims 3!) I got stuck just getting the woman and the old guy to marry. The most helpful part of all this input is seeing that if I ever get my act together to follow thru and make a story, I will have to think like a director and not a viewer.

    That will be interesting but cool since I don't have to get the scenes to happen in exact order. In fact, maybe I will clone the "actors" and copy the house so that I can add scenes as needed even if major relationship changes have happened in the original.

    As to posting, Eeeck! never thought about that before. I'm kinda shy on line and vociferous in real life. ADD kids do grow up but don't necessarily hold interest to complete projects. ;)

    If I can get a coherent story together and it is good enough to share, maybe I will give it a go. But keep breathing in the mean time since I will likely have 10 new story ideas started and ditched by Saturday! All very high drama of course- better in Sim reality than in my own I've found. The real family agrees!

    As long as I have fun I'm good to go.
    Thanks again!:p
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh we like to be friendly, Schlotty ... and sometimes even a little teasing is nice too. ;)

    I love your idea of cloning a family so that extra scenes can be made if relationships change. You are thinking well "outside the box" here and I like it! :D
  8. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    While age may make a difference, clothes and appearance do not.

    Aspirations and personality are important, as are interests. If you are seeing differences not explained by aspiration and personality, it's probably the interests that explain it.

    The zodiac compatibility is the same from TS1 to TS2. (In the Prima Guide, it even looks like they may have cut and pasted it. ;))

    As to the other questions, I don't have enough information to answer those.
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    actually....... disagree... my intelligent fat teen couldn't attract a girl for anything. now that he has shed a few pounds, they are starting to notice.
  10. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    lol. What is this Prime Guide everyones talking about? Could I have a link to it?
  11. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I agree with suitmichelle! Everything has to do with Everything and anyone! Like LIFE!! Most ppl would not marry a man that always wears a pirate costume!
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    It was actually featured in one of the game's early trailers ... a teen who was rejected by a girl, works out ... byoing! and woohoo ... well a kiss anyway :rolleyes:

    Flamey, the Prima Guide is a book available from all good game stores and Amazon
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    and if you remember the caleinte sisters were very interested in old whoshisface because of all his money. so your soap opera has to have a rich scion dating a child from the wrong side of the tracks but for what motive???
  14. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    How much does it cost in $$$?
  15. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Ah, that kind of appearance. Yes, they did put it in the game that fat doesn't attract. (I was thinking facial appearance, which doesn't make a difference. But since the body shape is alterable with exercise in the game, they did make that make a difference.)
  16. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    (sorry KatAnubis, not replying to you but using your quote as an illustration)

    Well think like a programmer. There is a variable that says "fit" or "fat". So it's easy to work that in an attraction algorithm. But you can't really have a program judge a wether a sim is attractive or not. That's highly subjective and how would the game know anyway ? Same goes for clothing. How could the game know what constitute revealing or not, especially when you consider the thousand of user made clothing out there. It would be possible but I doubt Maxis would bother.

    I was interested however to hear about aspirations and personality. How does aspiration and personality factor into attraction, do you know?

    Flameangel: I believe it actually a book ( you know the stuff that's printed on pages made of paper, yah there is still some of that stuff around somewhere :D)

    It's $14.00 on amazon.
  17. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    My dad does not let me buy stuff over the Internet:( . Would EB games sell it?
  18. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    It's very likely they do. Any store that strategy guides should sell this particular one. Your local book store might have it, and if not they can certainly order it for you.
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    was thinking about this while working... obvious one a policeman and a crook. kids grow up best friends and choose different life paths... also per maxis a romance sim and a family sim... alot of bad mojo there. try a party sim and a scientist. more ideas later......
  20. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Thank-you. Tommorow I will buy it at EB games. Also pre-order the expansion. One thing how much does the guide cost in a book store?

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