Warning! Trojans on a sims 2 download site

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by joeySimzee, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. joeySimzee

    joeySimzee Hysterical Kangaroo

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    People are often quick to judge the word of one person, and while I do take these things serious, I occasionally do take these reports with a grain of salt to verify the facts, and in this instance, I will say Sharday may have been quick to jump the gun.

    I do not see any evidence in the HTML or coding anything that could remotely resemble or activate a virus or trojan. Moreover, nothing has set off any alarms on my scans.
  3. joeySimzee

    joeySimzee Hysterical Kangaroo

    Oh .. so it could be a false alarm? Okay .. but I'm still scared to check it out :p So I shall just put it behind me :)

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