
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by JulzSC, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. JulzSC

    JulzSC Wanderer


    I don't know if this q has already been asked but how can you have a wedding? I made my sims get engaged then married but they only gave eachother a ring. I swear I've seen pictures of the sims in a wedding dress and tux. How do you go about doing this?
  2. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member

    You get a menu interaction with the sim that you are engaged to. I think it says something like "plan wedding" or something. First you have to be engaged though. It's a good idea to set up the wedding stuff (arch, buffet tables, etc) first.
  3. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I always use the wedding arch which can be found in buy mode under party stuff. You can then either invite guests using the phone for a wedding party. When the guests arrive (make sure you also get a buffet table, wedding cake and champagne for toasts) click on the wedding arch and it will say "get married" or something similar. Your two engage sims will the change into formal gear and the wedding video will show. Just before the party ends a limo will come to pick up your sims for a honeymoon. They'll be delivered back a few hours later feeling all refreshed and happy and newly married. (Awww...ain't it sweet) :)
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Although you can get married without the wedding arch (by just clicking on the "get married" option), you only get the honeymoon and all the fancy stuff if you use the wedding arch. It also helps if you plan a wedding party (which is an option that is available under parties on the phone.) Then all the wedding guests show up in their formal wear.

    It's a bit strange, but the bride and groom don't start out in the outfits that the game puts them in for the wedding. I can put the groom into a formal outfit at home, then switch to the bride's home and when he arrives he's in his regular daywear. And the bride can be put in formal wear (like a special wedding dress) but as soon as the wedding ceremony itself starts, she and the groom switch to generic Maxis wedding gear. (I'm *sooo* tired of the bride's wedding dress. While it's not so bad that the tux is just a regular tux, except when I wanted them all in white tuxes, brides usually have *far* more individuality.)
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I only bought the champagne once. Like the Mashuno game it has a 150% attraction factor to all sims and they just spend all their time queuing up to use it. :(
  6. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I only bought the champagne once. Like the Mashuno game it has a 150% attraction factor to all sims and they just spend all their time queuing up to use it. yeah, that is a bit of a drawback. It also dramatically decreases your sims bladder bar. The first time I did the champagne toasts I wasn't looking at their needs meters and after about 3 toasts, all these sims start rushing for the one toilet there is on the lot :D Now I also plan extra toilets for the day and sell em back after the party :p

    It's a bit strange, but the bride and groom don't start out in the outfits that the game puts them in for the wedding. I've tried this before as well.... It's a little confusing and who asked for a white wedding dress anyways???? :p :D
  7. zoxysim

    zoxysim New Member

    i don't know nothing about this game all i know is that im gettin it for christmas
  8. hunding

    hunding New Member

    I had a funny thing happen at my mariage...
    1- My men was also in love with Nina Caliente (Bad thing I invite her)
    2- I bought 4 champagne bottle, with out knowing that this give a worst bladder than a expresso

    So there what happen :happy:

    I have invited 5 guest at my wedding (with out counting by daughter and son)

    the first 3 hours i started talking joking ect... to help raise my party performance.

    Then as come the toast, daugther call a toast to the married, then they end up kissing. (Bad move:( eek:

    Nina rush to my men and start slaping, and i had the "caught cheating" fear.

    To make things up i start to have 3 straight toast for nina (hopping it would help)

    30 minute before the end of the mariage i go to the arch get maried and that where get messy my daughter and son had both the "popularity" need

    While in the movie of the mariage both my son and daughter "bladder" on themselve.

    They where all exausted energy between orange and yellow, and for the next 3 hour i try to make them take a shower and get to sleep but they were keeping crying and crying... cause they had let themselve out in a party...

    All my famely was in a platinium need, when the partys end my kid where in the border line gold-green, my men in the green.... and i lost the love of nina...

    But nevertheless, I had a roof raiser party....

    I was thinking if there where a therapist community lot, it would a cost most of my similions to get my child proper need to help them over come the dreadfull night they had suffer at the wedding of their parent...

    It was a slice of life i wanted to share with you...

    (Might try that again someday) :D
  9. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Now THAT is trial and error learning!!!! :p :D
  10. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Wedding = Parties with baggage

    Of all my parties only 1 was above the mediocre level. i try and try and try but guests are like totally high maintanence.

    Weddings are even worse. Mine have all been disasters--the ceremony not the marriage itself. ;)
  11. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Very first time I play Sims 2, my newly made character tried to cook and predictably set the kitchen on fire (thank God for fire alarms). He also had a fear of fire. Well that was such a shock that he passed out from sheer fear and a therapist was called to snap him out of it.
  12. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    And so much like real life, it's scarry! ROTF!!!!!!!
    That has to be one of the funniest weddings I have ever read about.
  13. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Heh, I like that choice of phrase, "bladder on themselves". In real life, people don't suddenly bladder themselves after drinking a glass of champagne. It's usually more of a delayed effect. However, in the Sims, drinking the stuff imposes an instant, 20-percent one-shot bladder hit, and Sims can never resist it, so they'll take their one shot, then another one, then another shot, and after their 4th shot, they can't take another one, so when they do their 5th shot, know what 5*20 is. Instant bladder on self.
  14. theoverlord3

    theoverlord3 New Member

    dam i missed out on all that, i just did the engaied thing. but after a few hours wondering what to do next found out the get married choice i pressed it and bingo done. no honeymoon, or party or anything. but there where no side effects sooooo it ened all good. no money to spend to spending ages trying to get people back into rotines.
  15. MusicAddict

    MusicAddict New Member


    This is so sad...... I haven't even had any people get married yet. *sigh* That's how behind I am I guess. But see...... I have a little bit of a problem.... Here's how it went: I made two teenagers. They visit for a while. Then they get to like each other, then a lot, then even more, and then love. They're going steady within a couple days. Full on sneaking out together, calling each other every night kinda stuff. Adorable. BUT THEN! They become adults! And the boy has the family aspiration while the girl has the romance aspiration. The first night after they become adults, they..... um..... get it on. She gets preggy and he is wild about being around her. But SHE is constantly thinkin about other guys and one of her fears is being proposed to by the guy. She follows her around, giving her backrubs and stuff, and she just brushes him away!!!! What do I do????? :eek:
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Didn't you ask this in another thread?
  17. HillsAngel

    HillsAngel New Member

    I have a problem with a couple who have moved in together and had a baby but I don't get the option "propose - get engaged" when they interact. I've tried skipping the engagement and buying a wedding arch for them to get married but the wedding arch won't allow any interaction either.
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Is it possible that one of them has been engaged or married before? Maybe to a sim who has died? There is a bug (I think) that can cause an otherwise dead relationship to persist and a sim cannot enter into a new formal relationship (get engaged or go steady) without formally breaking up ... which can be impossible if the other sim is no longer available. I'll look into this some more and get back to you if I find out anything.

    Nearest I can find is Pescado's Marriage Post-Mortum Fix ... it'll do no harm and is compatible with TS2/Uni/NL and OFB or any combination. Let us know how it works out, huh?

    Long time no see, BTW, Hilly! Always good to see the Brit contingent. :D
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I had a new interaction at a wedding last night. My sim, Apollo Du Maurier, got married for the second time and invited his vampire parents, Spike and London, as well as his son Max and his son's girlfriend Avery, who are both adults.

    And he invited Ashley Pitts, who helped raise him.

    Ashley's always had a thing for London so he "checked her out." And Max picked a fight with him. Like, how dare you check out my grandmother!

    Never seen that one before.

    Also, Spike seemed to have a thing for Avery, doing the whole wow she's hot thing, even though she's a popularity sim, not a romance sim like him. Fortunately, Max didn't notice.

    Guess their family gatherings will continue to be interesting. :D

    Especially if Apollo's ex-wife keeps showing up like she did last night.
  20. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    LOL - Your neighborhood is better than DAYS OF OUR LIVES! :D

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