Weird Date Stuff

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Weird Date Stuff

    I think I may have discovered a date bug in NL ...

    I've had two different sims ask someone on a date, only to have that person leave as soon as they arrive at the lot. When I called them and invited them back they were happy to come, and there was no "got stood up" memory or anything like that, which is why I suspect a bug.

    The dates proceeded with no problems after that.

    I also had a sim go on a date with an NPC (Ashley Pitts). That was a weird one. They had a dream date even though they weren't even best friends, and she asked him what he wanted, which was to be her best friend. Well, she tried! At the end of the date he said "Wow, great date" and right after that "I'm leaving. Don't you care what I want?" And then he left roses. And her memory shows it as a great date.

    Not sure what to think of that one. :D
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I've not had that happen to me, luckily. I have another "buggy" dating issue involving cars. It seems that going to a community lot at your own neighborhood by car while on a date disables the car as a usable object at the venue. I once had a date end in a taxi, that being the only way my sim could get home. The taxi refused to move cos the car was still in front of it ... at no time before I tried calling a cab was the car clickable/usable. It happened again today ... both parties wanted to woohoo in a car but the *&^%$£ car din't want to let 'em. :(

    BTW today I discovered that getting campus townies to move in with a graduated friend back in the home neighbornood had an unexpected bonus.
    I had Gwen Bruenig move in and she has a diploma, five wants, two lockable. She's following a showbiz career and has had a small facelift and now looks quite beautiful and is married to Benjamin Long who also used Gwen's machine and got a new nose; he looks quite handsome now :rolleyes:
  3. WereBear

    WereBear Dancing Bear

    I've had that happen myself with both NPC's and non-active playable characters. After checking the playable characters I noticed that it happened when I was calling them just before work. With the teens it was usually around the time parents come to collect their visisting kids (around 7 or so) so I figure the teens have a sort of curfew. Next time you're on a date with Ashley, use the "ask" prompt to find out what his job is. I'm betting that you called him for a date just before he was supposed to leave for work and (in the background) his car pool arrived just before his taxi...the game engine resolves this conflict by having him show up and then leave. Just pulling this hypothesis out of my darriere you understand. ;)
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    The only times I've had problems with a car on a community lot is when it parked in front of the phone booth, thus preventing one of the sims from getting into the car. This is only a problem for "sit in vehicle." They can still leave the lot, the passenger just suddenly winks out.

    I've had woo hoo in the car a couple of times at a community lot, and it worked just fine. Just as long as the phone booth wasn't blocking it.

    I wish we could move them away from the curb!
  5. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I had a similar bug happen to me with the car on a downtown lot. My sim couldn't get into it! He kept pacing back and forth in a circle inside the store. I finally had to use the bool prop cheat and force error to get whatever was screwing up to stop so he could get into the car and drive away! He looked like some mad little robot shortcirciting!
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Another date bug! I've invited sims to community lots for a date only to have them walk away immediately and disappear off the lot, with no chance of interactions.

    I also had someone invite my sim on an outing and then promptly leave. Everyone else in the group stayed, but the sim who invited me was gone.


    I also continue to get the "Wow that was great" immediately followed by "I'm leaving. Don't you care about me?" and then I get roses.

    And my sim got a love letter from a guy who was furious with her for dating another guy the same night. Very confusing, this world of dating.

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