What are Your Ideas for Aspiration Rewards? Just in case the programmers are listening, I thought it might be fun to come up with new stuff we can spend our reward points on. Now that I have NL it's not unusual for my sims to rack up more than 200,000 aspiration points, which then just sit there. You only need so much elixir of life, and I like the circle of life anyway, so I tend to let at least some of my sims die of old age ... some of the other rewards can come in handy, especially the energizer and what someone (Lynet?) called the "cement mixer" but I hates the money trees, gollum, and the other rewards are kind of "eh." I'd rather buy a hot tub than use the love tub, for example, because visitors drive me nuts, always hopping into my tub o' love. So hard to have a conversation that way. So, I think we should be able to spend those points on other stuff! But, I'm not sure what. I'm envisioning some kind of game enhancement, and since this is all fantasy anyway, the sky's the limit. What kind of rewards or other items would you like your sim to be able to spend those points on? Magical powers? A personality point? Hey, that would be cool: Say your sim who was born in-game is lazy and you hate lazy sims. You could use reward points to make him more active. Or, maybe you can think of an aspiration reward that you'd like to see. A get-out-of-trashcan-tipping-free card? A non-tipping garbage can, for that matter, or maybe one that hits back? Just thought this might be fun.
lol. A garbage can that hits back! I love that one! How about a friend-making machine. You can pick anyone in the neighborhood (playable or NPC), and they become an instant friend. That could be interesting, especially if you have a love interest in mind for your sim and you can't get them to meet in-game. I also like the "add a personality point" idea. Or how about add a want/fear, because maybe your sim didn't go to college, but you want the extra slot, or an extra lock. I know there are probably hacks that do this, but it's an idea.
OH! I want a gnome that when someone tries to steal it, it comes alive and scares the beejeebers out of them! That would be hilarious! Or maybe it just gets up and starts running around, making that person chase them, buying time to interrupt the thief. I'd also like them to bring back that robotic maid from the sims 1, someone to cook/clean/garden.
I'm so totally with SBW on this. I'm so often spending one generation's asp points on gizmos for the next. So much so that my teens never really need to sleep. As soon as they transition into a moody oik they're straight into a thinking cap and in and out of energisers until they're maxed out ... if they still want a first kiss after all that ... well why not? I'd like to see an asp reward -- The Sim-o-booster --that looks kinda like a bubblegum machine. Would be cheaper than an energiser ... maybe about the same as smart milk; a hit from it instantly lifts any red needs bars a notch ... say up to around 20%
How's 'bout a bicycle? Something to bridge the gap between carpools/taxis and spending bucks on a car. It would of course add fun (at least for active sims) and add to body points. But it would take away from comfort, hunger, and energy. It could even add creativity points by way of a "tricks" option which would include ramp jumping, wheelies, and stairway handrail grinding!
We think alike. I wrote a while ago about my fantasy EP that would have tons of stuff for families to do, and include jump ropes, skateboards, rollerblades and bicycles. Motorcycles would be cool, too. Every vamp needs one. My vamps are driving the most beat-up of beaters because no self-respecting vampire drives a shiny new sedan. They just don't. Once they have enough money they'll get the sports car, in black. Now that's a cool car. But a motorcycle would be cheaper, and even cooler. I love these ideas! Especially the want/fear one. My sim is married to a townie and I keep wishing I could lock more than one of his wants. It's not his fault he never went to college. A robot maid would rock. Or a robot repairman. You could keep them in a closet when you weren't using them. I think the instant friend thing is interesting ... I've been wishing for a phone book like the campus directory. It would be so much easier to meet new people that way.
Plastic surgery? I think bike, skateboard, rollerblades, etc. would be very useful, though not just for aspiration rewards. (SBW, I have seen a cool driveable motercylcle on a web-site. though I can't remember which one, will get back to you on that.)I agree that a Servo would be great. How about throwing in a Nanny function, since nannies are evil (ignore babies, set kitchens on fire,ocassionally kidnap people...). An exta wants lock would be awsome. (BTW, does anyone know where I could get the hack for this?) The instant friend thing is interesting. The gnome and trash-can ideas are just.. well wierd, but very interesting. I like the bubblegum-machine/aspiration booster is a good idea. Maybe an all-in-one smart-cap, cool shades, noodle-soother, just general good-luck reward (chance cards are more likely to have positive results. concieving, and promotions are more likely..), as (I don't know what it would look like, but it's interesting to contemplate...). I think that a plastic surgery thingy would be great- it would reopen the CAS screen, where a sim (or you, more accurately) could alter their facial structure, skin tone (hey, Michael Jackson did it!), and maybe even gender (wierd, but worth thinking about.) Why not throwing in a "Appearance" aspiration(a sample want could be having someone do the "attraction" interaction, a power want could be getting a nose job)? Just food for thought...
I don't know why adult sims can't go to college, maybe as a "special student". I got my degree as a 30-mumble student when I went back to college. Mostly because I was the real world model of a pleasure-sim the first time I went.
There is a plastic surgery machine. It's the career reward for the showbiz track. My sim has it, but she's gorgeous and so is hubby so it's kind of going to waste. I have the motorcycle. It's on various simmers. It's a bit weird, at least in my game, because the passenger rides in an invisible sidecar. Also, it slows my game to a crawl. I've decided not to use custom meshes for anything other than clothes and hair. They're just too much for my PC to handle, at least until I get more RAM.
All these ideas are great, I love the "Make a Friend" one! What we could really use, however is maybe one HUGE object that costs 200k points or so. I have had Sims that I've raised since babies that went to college, and by the time they were elders had 300-500k aspiration points. What a waste! And the only aspiration objects I really ever use is the thinking cap and the smart milk. So, I never really use my points except to stock up the house with thinking caps and smart milk... Or, how about the ability to BUY a platinum mood? For 200k aspiration points you can purchase your lifetime want, or something like that, enabling you to have the platinum mood? That would be worth it!
Oh, Mr Redhead! What an awesome idea: the ability to BUY a platinum mood ... but why stop there? Wouldn't an elderly sim with a huge surplus of aspirations points be brimming over with goodness for those that he or she loves? How about the idea of a 2 for 1 points transfer to a direct descendant? I remember that my grandma always made me feel good and maybe she was pouring out a few surplus aspiration points into my forever draining well ...
I have a Romance sim whose life time asp. is to be a major leaguer (or whatever)......... I thought they were supposed to have love related wants. anyhow I would like sims to change aspirations as they mature and figure out what is really important in simlife.
Lucky you! You get your wish with the new aspiration object that came with NL, now you can change your Sim's aspiration anytime you like! (As long as they are in gold or above). What else would be nice is for the inheritance... Maybe all the extra points could be converted into cash that is added to the inheritance? If $1 per point is a little much, maybe they could be worth 1/2?
For some career tracks I think it would be cool if they could kind of 'earn the right' to work from home, like if they were in the Business track, or a new track (maybe I.T. or something) they could have a home office as a career reward?
I love the idea of inheritance, especially if you could convert it to cash! Otherwise, you'd end up with the same problem: another sim with too many asp. points and nothing to spend them on. Or even being able to spend them on stuff for the sim in question would be great. Now that I have NL my sims aren't nearly as rich. They're spending more time having fun, which is great, but I wouldn't mind spending 100,000 aspiration points for an actual hot tub rather than the love tub, for example. Or hey, how about being able to buy a career reward for a different career than your own? I'd love it if my movie star sim could have played golf to get her charisma up rather than staring at a mirror for hours on end. (Yawn.) Yeah, a really big prize would be great, say one that cost 250,000 points. Any ideas on what it could be? How about an instant re-energizer that you didn't have to be in the yellow for, the effects of which lasted 24 hours? A fridge with an endless supply of food? A teleporter? Self-cleaning dishes that evaporate when empty? A robot servant? (I'd love a butler and a personal chef. I seem to remember seeing a sim who looked like he had a butler when I first learned about the game and was very sad to see that there was no such thing!)