What food are you likely to buy? Hey everyone, I'm doing a project for school in which I must conduct a random poll to approximate the amount of revenue we can expect from hosting an event So the topic of tonite's poll.... Assuming that each item costs $1, and you have $5 to spend or save, what food are you likely to buy at a football game? Thanks, John
I'd probably buy the misc. snacks and/or the soda. The snacks would depend on if they're pre-packaged though.
A diet coke and either nachos or a hot dog. Maybe some cookies if I had a craving for sweets. If it's really cold out, substitute coffee or hot chocolate for the diet coke.
Hot Dog with Sauerkraut or a Hot dog with Onions...those are the only conditions I'd ever buy a hot dog from ANYWHERE
Hotdog soda I dont care what kind . Hey Josh what if you were in new yourk city they have GREAT hotdogs .