What have you made?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, May 12, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    What have you made?

    So tell us... and share your creations! What have you created with BodyShop? :)
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Could it be myself? :p
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    My first creation in bodyshop is a sort of idealized version of FaeLuna. :D
    I worked on the eyes and hair in photoshop but I haven't gotten much further than that at figuring it out. I didn't realize it was out till about 1pm today my time!! :rolleyes:

  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Cool, FaeLuna!

    I played with it quite a bit today, but I haven't saved anything yet.

    I found the pointed eared head and had a great deal of fun making some very interesting "Vulcans'. It was fun changing them from adults back down to toddlers and back again.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Ooooh where did you find the point eared head?! I haven't found that one to play with yet! I want to make Elves!! :p

    -edit big THANK YOU to KatAnubis for messaging me and explaining how to find the pointy eared head! It's in the male heads second to last. :D
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Cool pix, Fae ... ;)

    I've managed to sort out the registration issue and uploaded a (totally) improved version of me (huh! talk about poetic license ... or is that licence? :chinese: )

    I've been messing around with skin tones (lighter and darker ones ... Abby here has some rather fetching freckles and a blue-ish pale skin. Trouble is that blusher has covered it up. LOL

    Speaking of blusher. Oi! Maxis! Don't you employ any girls at your place. Sploshing rouge on the front of the cheeks (infra-orbitally) is strictly for toddlers playing at mommy's dressing table, Aunt Sally's and drag queens. Also (putting on my DDS hat :D :rambo: :devious: :mads: ) I'm a bit worried about the range of facial deformations ... don't they realise that some of those skeletal structures would result in agonizing dental problems? :ermm:

    Abby Showcase

  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yep! I noticed the problem with the blush right away too!!! Ak! :p I haven't messed with custom skin or make-up yet. Abby looks GOOD! :D

    As for the range of deformations... maybe my sims should all be dentists and become filthy rich!! ;) ;)
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Everyone does know they can post attachments right? Multiple ones.
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL ... Yes Josh, I knew. I did upload my pic to worldsims but was fazed by it showing up as a thumbnail in the post (good idea as not everyone who posts images to a BBS is up to speed on cropping/resizing/compression etc.

    Anyway while I was wondering how Fae slapped up her fullsize pics I opened good ole WSFTP and pushed the pic into my own images directory ... (It's why I included a link to the showcase as I anticipated that Maxis will outlive me ... :p )
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yep, I LOVE that we can do multiple attachments here! I just used the link to my graphic since I had it uploaded to post it in my blog already. :D

    I'm currently working on my first attempts to make a sim look LIKE a character who already exists... elves from ElfQuest. ;) So far I've done pretty well on the first female main character I've attempted, Ember (who my attack kitty is named for) but the first male, her father, Cutter (another cat named after him... hmmmm) is NOT turning out so well! I'm having jaw/chin troubles! :rolleyes:

    I've been mainly going through finding a random face that has the cheeks and head shape more or less close to what I want, and then tweaking everything in the order it appears in the controls, but I'm hoping to catch on to a better approach. :) I'm frustrated there's no Cheek or Ear controls. :p
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    There are ear and cheek controls, Fae. Tho' I suspect that you need extra controls for the good of your elf ... sorry I can't seem to resist a pun these days!

    If anything there are almost too many controls ... :p At least it seems that way at first. With my training/education I know as much as I want to concerning head and neck structure and I wouldn't want to suggest that it isn't a complicated subject but if I'd been asked I would have said that the principal elements that account for 90% of human appearance can be reduced to half a dozen simple formulae/ratios.

    I would have liked to see more opportunities to develop the soft tissues around the eyes. I spent a good hour trying to create a sympathetic epicanthic eye-fold ... see attached pic ...

    Attached Files:

  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I think you managed a good IMPRESSION of the epicanthic eye fold anyway. :D And I Absolutely *LOVE* puns!!!!! :D :D :D

    Where ARE the ear and cheek controls? I may be overlooking them as I'm overwhelmed by the controls... yet lost as to what EXACTLY I need to be tweaking, haha!

    I didn't get a chance to play Body Shop today as we had a big electrical storm, but I'll check in here tomorrow to read posts and then get to work searching out ALL the controls. :)
  13. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Actually the show up as a thumbnail, but you can click to enlarge :)
  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Reply to Josh and Fae


    I was a bit too vague, I think. What I meant to say was that I had prepped the image for compression and dimensions before I discovered that the forum would only display it as a clickable thumbnail. I had already entered edit mode to sort out the usual crop of typos and I decided that as the punters would have to click a link to see my pic then I may as well use my own web-space and so (in a minute way) help to keep down demand upon WorldSims' valuable bandwidth.

    Can I just say that BS has gotten me all excited all over again. I remember my sense of awe and amazement on the day back in early 2000 when I first ran the original ... Isn't it astonishing how quickly we come to take things for granted in this unsettling millenium? It seems that no thing is destined to remain static, not simply for its own sake ... nor even for sentimental reasons like nostalgia. We have come to expect that our most fantastic visions and expectation not only can be realized but that they will be. How long will it be before you look at the TV (or come out of the movie theater) and wonder if the actors were "real" or sims? And can you imagine the demand for the censor patches when that day comes?


    Cheek and ear controls can be found in the "Face" section of the Tweaking controls. Cheekbones can be move in/out, up/down and even 'embiggened' :p Likewise with ears.

    Good as BS is, at this early stage it is obviously seriously lacking in content, judgeing by the size of the skin files. We won't get much of a chance to really go to town until the really clever geek-fans get to wrok and start offering new meshes for things like hairstyles, hats etc. For a start those spectacles are terrible! I've created gold and tortoiseshell frames but for my taste they are just too darn chunky ... :rolleyes:
  15. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Oooh I KNEW I was missing a section of controls somewhere!! :eek: Thanks for enlightening me!

    As for sims in movies, I'm amazed at seeing what a good job they're doing putting the actors/characters from movies into GAMES already! And with so much CGI in movies already the fun of guessing whether it's the actor or their cgi version in this scene or that scene has already started!!

    For bodyshop I'm already wishing for more hairstyle choices... I hope someone comes out with a meshing tutorial for making meshes compatable with bodyshop soon! I figure there will be much more choices in sims 2 content itself when it comes out but we've got months to work on stuff before then. ;)
  16. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I hope they put a lot more hairstyles in. I also hope that those hairstyles have a variety of hairlines. They need some that are lower down on the brow (as they all seem to have high ones like mine, only I have a little "widows peak" in the middle, which would also be nice to see in the hairstyles) and some with more balding.

    There have been people working with the alpha channel for their Sims who have made *shorter* hair, which ends up looking like a nice blunt cut. But it would be nice to have some with a feathered cut too. And curly hair (not necessarily Afros which they've said they will have.)

    I didn't see the mohawk hairdo they've shown so much. That must be in an additional content pack. (Not that I'd use it as I dislike that hair cut, but it made me feel like there will be much more to come!)

    And I've got to go look for that ear control that was mentioned. I didn't see it in my stuff, only the head I already had told you about. Must keep looking. Although why I want to do it, I don't know. I don't want to play with elves or Vulcans. Maybe it's because I just want to be able to *play* with BodyShop even if I don't actually make a body to use in the game. Much fun!
  17. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    You've got me wondering about trying the alpha channel haircut trick. :D It seems if they were able to get a blunt looking cut, a little tweaking at the edges might make it more feathered? I'm not sure I'm picturing the right idea though. :p

    Maybe we can do something with the hairlines with the alpha channels too... or at least try it. ;) I'm sure there will be more hairstyles in the actual game since we've seen them in the screenshots! :)
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member


    I'm also beginning to toy with fiddling with the alpha images ... If I actually get any useable results I'll post them here, along with a brief explanation of how it done.

    Here's a mixed bag of ideas. The jacket is quite quite successful, I think (I especially like the button/badge). The eyes used are the best of bad lot. (The project shown here was named "Toxic_Shock_Eyes" :p They are not nearly as good as "Lilac_Alien_Star_Eyes" but the latter still has a few issues with pupillary glints and scaling. The we come to The Skin Tone "effect" ... ah.

    I was aiming for stripey fur. This is a very difficult effect to achieve. One fairly glaring problem can be seen at the throat -- where the template/pattern for the head and neck joins that of the body in a horizontal 'scar' at the crico-thyroid level. I conclude that skin patterning (on a realistic and believable macroscopic scale) may prove to be a serious challenge!

    Anyway ... here she is. Trillispthishar who joins us tonight all the way from the Outer Limits of Inner Space (just turn left at the Twilight Zone a keep straight on until morning). :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  19. I_bite_138

    I_bite_138 New Member

    I have a dinky web site that keeps going past the bandwidth allowment. Hopefully when you click on it everything will be cool.


    I am not a web designer.
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Nope ... bandwidth exceeded ...

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