What new features and items are in The Sims 2!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by wize_guy123, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    What new features and items are in The Sims 2!!

    I already found information about The Sims 2's features and items do you know anymore information?

    Added: the sims has video games features

    there are more then just 2 story houses
  2. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    i already knew that. lol
  3. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    The release date is February 15th, 2004
  4. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    no one knows the release date for sure. thats only what gamespot says. until maxis releases official information regarding the release date, dont believe anything. all we know is that its coming out in Q1 of 2004
  5. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree



    there are also new flat roofs
  6. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    yeah we know
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  8. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    josh is right. one could think that u were just trying to get ur post levels up
  9. mattho

    mattho New Member

    Or one could not. Where did you try and pull that from? :confused:
  10. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    by saying one, i meant myself, and possibly others. i thought that was what he was trying to do!:p
  11. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    lol how old r u lilfeariegrl? do u AIM if so u can IM me as simsamgrl16 im 13
  12. Jake

    Jake New Member

    josh be right.. also.. this thread should prolly be the news area (or at least the starting part of it.. )... i think i'll move it there, there'll still be a reference to it in the general section tho.
  13. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    u have to move alot of thins dont ya pez?
  14. katrina

    katrina New Member

    There are flat roofs???? I didn't know that!!! How cool :)
  15. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    See......... That's why we do this, so a tidbit that was missed somewhere else can be found. and because we very seldom stay OT.
  16. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    wow thats awesome i cant wait for flat roofs!
  17. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Thank You all for keeping my Thread going
  18. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    I know a lot about the sims 2, but can't tell. :p

    . o O (thanks to my all day tour of Maxis) :grin:
  19. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    sham they changed everything from the time you were at Maxis and the time we went Cher :p
  20. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Haha well even if everything she got to see is outdated by now it would still have been a fun experience!

    When will the new secret feature be announced? ;) Do they have a release date on that information yet? :D

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