What programs do you know of will let me make new objects?

Discussion in 'The Sims 1' started by wize_guy123, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    What programs do you know of will let me make new objects?

    I want to start creating objects for the sims, so when The Sims 2 comes out I already know how to do it. I tried blueprint but for some reaason that didnt work. I have some great Ideas and If someone can help me I would greatly apreciate it. Thank you.:cool:
  2. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    believe me. the programs used for the sims 1 wont help for ts2. if i were you id ask this over in the ts2 forum. from what i know youll need a full fledged 3D program like 3dsmax this time around considering everything is in full blown 3D compared to the sims 1 which just used 2D pictures at 4 different angles.
  3. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Well do you know any good programs for the sims 1 for now?
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    none fo them will be able to create objects in the Sims 2...at least that's what maxis said.
  5. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree


    Well you can close this thread down.. thanx
  6. lottepurple

    lottepurple New Member

    help making objects for sims1

    I tubed the object that i wanted in psp. I then merged it an saved it as an iff file, but it won't show up in the objects. So what am i doing wrong, i have a bunch of tubed objects that are really nice, i know that the psp will not allow me to view the objects in it . but they are iff files. HELP!!!!!!!
  7. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    You should get Transmogifier I think... its called... for The Sims stuff... I have created a couple of things for TS myself but I used PS 7.0
  8. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    Do you really need PS 7.0 or what ever PS? can someone help with that question!
  9. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

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