When Good Sims Go Bad: A Short Story

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    When Good Sims Go Bad: A Short Story

    (Pictures later this evening)

    Jackson Hicks is a mild mannered family sim. He's the eldest child of the Hicks/Thompson Brood. Big brother to nine siblings could make a man decide he was never, ever going to have kids, but not Jackson. He's been a father-figure for so long, he has no idea how else to be.

    He married sweet Virginia Dawn Warner soon after college. Virgina is a beautiful, fun girl, full of life. She has a wicked sense of humor and an interest in the unknown. Jackson thought this would mean she'd be someone who would enjoy the adventures of having children, but alas he was wrong. Virginia likes partying, hot tubs, and studying the occult. Her latest adventure was resurecting her mother, Harriet. Harriet now lives with Jackson and Virginia.

    Virginia had an ulterior motive for resurecting her mother: She needed a free nanny. To Jackson's joy, Virginia gave birth to a healthy son. They named the boy Elijah after Virginia's father. Virginia barely took a maternity leave. She drives an expensive sport car and wears only the best designer clothing so that she looks good when she goes downtown. All these things cost money, and she doesn't like the bother of having to water a money tree.

    Jackson was disapointed in his new father status. Harriet provided all the child care. He barely got a chance to hold little Elijah. Virginia was either working or downtown with her girlfriends. He loved his wife, but felt uptight about going downtown. Jackson's just a simple country boy: clubbing is not his thing.

    His younger brother Luke showed up one day and invited him to a party on the other side of the Neighborhood. Luke gushed about the woman they were going to go see. Luke was still in college, but spending a lot of his weekend time at this woman's house.

    The house was actually a little pink trailer with an expand-o-room on the back to create a larger kitchen and dining room. The yard was planted but ill-kept, and a small dark-haired boy ran in the front yard, wearing camo and pretending to shoot people. Jackson, being a military man, felt a fondness with the boy instantly.

    When the door swung open, Jackson recognized the trailer's owner at once. It was Delilah Simpson, his old college dorm-mate.

    Delilah never looked more beautiful. Her hair, once bleached and frizzy, was now long and strawberry blonde. Where she once wore low-cut tank tops, she now wore a sunny professional dress. She smiled instantly when she saw him. "Why, look here on my doorstep. . .two good lookin' blond Hicks-Boys. How ya doin', Jackson?"

    Jackson blushed. "Just fine, just fine. Nice to see you, Delilah."

    "C'mon in, boys. I was just getting ready to throw some burgers on the grill."

    Luke introduced Jackson to Andrej, Delilah's "baby's-daddy", and to Professor Hamby, Delilah's former Drama teacher. "They are always here" Luke whispered, seeming a little perturbed.

    The afternoon passed pleasantly enough. Delilah was not a great cook, but she was a wonderful hostess. She was also an adoring mother to her son, Trevor. Jackson kept catching himself staring at her with the boy, and thinking how beautiful she was, and kicking himself for not noticing back in college.

    Andrej and the irritating professor Hamby finally left soon after dark. Delilah read little Trevor a bedtime story and tucked him in for the evening, while both Hicks Brothers watched football. Delilah emerged from the back rooms wearing a skimply green bikini and invited the boys to keep her company in her hot tub.

    Jackson's 1st thought was that it was time to go home. He wasn't so out of touch that he didn't know what sims did in hot tubs, and he knew that his brother obviously wanted to spend time with Delilah alone. As he began to excuse himself, Jackson was inturupted by Luke's own apologies, "I have to get back to the dorm. I have a term paper to write. But Jack will be happy to keep you company, Delilah."

    Jackson stood there, stuttering like an idiot in surprise, while Delilah giggled at him. "Well, I don't mind which one of you comes out here, just someone do it. My back hurts from all the hard work I've been doing today getting ready for this party."

    Delilah went out the back door, humming as she turned on the hot tub. Jackson, feet planted firmly where he stood, grabbed his little brother by the arm and whispered, "What are you doing? Get out there, bro!"

    "I wasn't lying, Jack. I need to go. I just didn't want to leave her alone with those other two dogs. I know that she's safe with you." Luke chuckled and went out the front door

    "Yeah, safe." Jackson muttered sadly. He thought very seriously about escaping with Luke. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Sighing, he changed into his swingtrunks and joined Delilah.
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    "So, like my new place?" Delilah asked Jackson as he settled in the hot tub.

    He laid his head back and felt the refreshing tingle of bubbles massaging his back. "Yes, it's very nice, very cozy."

    "My mom left it to me."Delilah told him. "Remember mom? She died in the shower."

    "Yeah, I do. That was sad. You have a little sister, Bella, right? Where's Bella now?"

    Delilah smiled. "She's in college with your brother, silly. Haven't you seen her when you visit Luke?"

    Jackson gasped, feeling old. "No, I didn't know it was her. She sure did grow up. Seems like last week she was just a little one toddling around."

    Delilah looked sad. "I don't see her very often. She went to live with the Dawsons because I was still in college and not able to take her, and we lost touch. It's my fault, really. I let it happen."

    "It's not your fault, don't say that," Jackson scolded gently. "You were young, and you wanted to get on your feet. No one's ready to become a parent at such a young age."

    "You were. I remember. I tried to ask you out once at school, remember that? But you were surrounded by your little brothers and sisters, and you were making sure that they got to class on time and gave one of them your lunch money."

    Jackson smiled, remembering. "Yeah, that was probably Luke. He's a little scattered."

    "Back then, I saw it as a bad thing--being a momma's boy. But now. . ." she leaned closer, and dropped her voice a little, "I'm kicking myself for not seeing the perfect man right in front of me the whole time."

    Jackson jumped up quickly. "I-I-I I gotta go. My wife will be wondering where I am, and I have a baby, and, and, and it was nice seeing you, Delilah!"

    "Humph" Delilah huffed as she watched Jackson practically run inside to change his clothes. "So cute, but still goody-goody. Gotta love that."
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    ooohhh...I'm loving it so far!
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    He thought about her for the next two days. Every time he closed his eyes, her beautiful face and soft, chocolate eyes would visit his dreams. He felt like a man obsessed. And he felt evil.

    Virginia did not seem to notice. She came in late every evening after work, would care for Elijah, and then come to bed. While Jackson was at work the next day, Virginia would get up, eat a leisurely pancake breakfast, visit with her mother and Elijah, and then go downtown until time for work. Jackson barely saw her. He missed her sometimes, but at this point he was relieved that she wasn't around.

    His mother-in-law also seemed oblivious to what Jackson was going through. She chatted about the "good old days" and flirted with Sheldon the mailman, when she was not cuddling baby Elijah. She also took to sleeping in the mid-afternoons, and waking up only after Virginia came home from work. Oddly enough, with Grandma napping, Elijah also would also sleep. He started sleeping about 6 o'clock, and not waking up until after Virginia came home, about 2 or 3 am.

    All this left Jackson alone with his thoughts and fantasies. What if he had taken the time to get to know Delilah better in school? What if he had chosen to date her in College? What if she had come out of that bathroom without the bikini and invited him to join her in the hot tub on Sunday night?

    On the evening of the third day, alone, the house quiet, Jackson was sitting in the kitchen, thinking these thoughts when the phone rang. It was Delilah, of course. She had been thinking about him, and was feeling lonely. Could he get away? Just for a little while.

    The right thing to do would have to turn her down. At the very least, he should have reminded her that his brother thought of her as his girlfriend. Instead, he agreed, and snuck out of the house. Neither Harriet nor Elijah even stirred.

    She met him on her front porch, drink in hand. She was wearing a red blouse and black capri pants. For a woman living in a trailer, she definately had classy tastes in clothes! He took the drink and sat down beside her silently. The two of them sat together, companions, staring at the distant lights of downtown and the moon rising over the river.

    After finishing the last drop of his drink, Jackson spoke. He didn't recognize his own voice as he asked, "Did you put a spell on me? Bewitch me?"

    He expected her to laugh, but she only touched his cheek. "No. I was going to ask you the same question. I have been able to do nothing but miss you since Sunday Night."

    "But why is that? We've known each other for years."

    "I don't know," Delilah whispered drawing closer. "It's wrong, and you're a good man. I'm leading you astray. I'm sorry." and with that, she kissed him.

    Jackson returned her kiss passionately, and asked, "Trevor's asleep?' Delilah nodded, biting her lip. Jackson picked her up and carried her to her bedroom before he could come to his senses.

    She later asked him to stay the night, but he couldn't do that. Virginia would be home soon, and he would be missed. Maybe. He tiptoed out of her trailer, saying good bye with a gentle kiss. Standing in the moonlight wearing black lacy underwear, her red hair messy, her eyes sad, Delilah was the most beautiful creature Jackson had ever laid eyes on.
  5. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!


    The 1st one is Virginia and Jackson on a date. The second is Delilah as a teenager, with her mother Alicia.

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  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    "Don't come back here, Jackson."

    Jackson blinked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Delilah, honey. . ."

    "I'm telling you to stay away. For your own good. I'm trouble. I'm already divorced, and I don't want to cause one. Stay away!"

    "But, But. . . "Jackson sputtered, looking around nervously. He was on his cell phone, was out in the car, but he was sure that somehow someone would hear him. "I love you, Delilah."

    Silence on the other end. He could hear her ragged breathing and wondered if she was crying. He felt himself close to tears.

    "What happened the other night was magic, " Jackson continued. "I touched you and I melted. I'm yours to do with. . ."

    Delilah swore in a very un-classy way. "You need to listen to me. You say you love me. You need to remember that you are married! Virginia and I were roommates for a time in college. We competed for the same guy back then, Kaleb Simpson. Remember? I cannot take her husband away from her, no matter how much I love him, no matter how much I need him."

    "You love me?"

    "Da___ it!"

    "I heard you! You love me!" Jackson was shouting, but right now he didn't care.

    "Don't come back here. Get on with your life. Raise little Elijah, love Virginia, forget about me. I'm very serious, and I'm very sure of what I'm saying." (click)
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Two Trimesters Later. . .

    Jackson had driven by her trailer several times, but had not caught Delilah outside. It barely looked like anyone lived there. The flowers and the hedges were overgrown, the newspapers kept piling up, the house looked dark with the shades drawn. He missed her terribly, but tried to forget her, as she had seemed to forget about him.

    It was Elijah's birthday. The party was held at night so that Virginia's father would attend. Several years ago, Jackson had had the unfortunate experience of being turned into a vampire, so he knew well the signs of Elijah Warner's own affliction. Still, he pretended to go along with the "Sunshine Allergy" myth that Virginia clung to.

    As everyone entered the little kitchen, Jackson caught a glimpse of his younger brother Luke. Luke stared at the baby's cake candles, his eyes sparkling with tears. Jackson had purposely held his brother at arms length because he believed that Delilah had resumed dating him. It was only fair, he had told himself. Luke was free as a bird, and Luke loved her too. Luke was there first. He should have her.

    Later, the brothers sat outside on the back porch. Everyone else had left the party or went to bed, but Luke had stayed on, as if he had something he wanted to confide in Jackson alone. Not having to work tomorrow, Jackson had no problem waiting him out. He wondered if Luke was having relationship problems.

    Finally, after talking for what seemed like hours about cars and college and cowplants, Luke sighed and said, "I thought I was over her, but I looked at that birthday cake and remembered the 1st time I met her, at Bella's birthday party, and it all came rushing back. I miss her so much, bro."

    "Who? Bella?" Jackson played dumb.

    "No, idiot! Delilah."

    "Oh, her. Did you guys break up?"

    Luke sighed. "It never happened with us, much as I wanted it too. She broke it off a couple of days after I took you over there."

    Jackson tried very hard to hide his surprise. "Why? What happened?" He knew he was torturing himself, but he had to know.

    "She said she had met someone that she was falling for, and said that nothing could ever happen with us." Luke took a drink and then cursed loudly. "He wasn't all that, that's for sure! He knocked her up and then dumped her, Bella said."

    Jackson felt faint. Delilah was pregnant? He looked up at Luke, not sure he understood what Luke was telling him. "She's pregnant? Who's the father? That Drama Professor?"

    "Bella said that Delilah wouldn't tell her. Called him a 'Magic Man.' Humph. I'd have to go magic all over his a--hey, Jackson, where are you going. . . "

    Jackson had stood up and was walking across the yard. "Gonna drive you back to your dorm, little bro. You've had too much to drink. Let me just leave a note for Virginia."

    "Gee, okay, I guess." Luke stood up and walked over to Jackson's rusty pick-up. "Can we take Virginia's sports car?"

    "Shut up and get in," Jackson growled. Magic Man. She had called him that, while the two of them were committing adulterous woo hoo. It was something that he had heard in his head a million times in the period since then. Magic Man.

    Was it possible that he was the father of her baby? Was that the reason she had shut him out of her life? He had to know. He could not think about anything else in his life until he knew. He could not allow his child to come into the world without a father.

    He drove Luke back to the dorm and zoomed off so quickly Luke almost did not get the car-door shut. Five minutes later, he was knocking on Delilah's door.

    She came to the door wearing ugly orange maternity pajamas. Her stomach was a large round ball that stood out no matter how hard she tried to hide it behind the door. "What do you want? It's late, and I'm going to bed!"

    "Is that my child?"

    "Jackson. . . "

    "Yes or no, Delilah. I want the truth. Are you carrying my child."

    She looked him straight in the eyes and began to sob.

    Jackson pushed the door open and gathered her up in his arms. "It's okay," he whispered. "I'll take care of you, and the baby. Hey, I'm a great dad!" he chuckled.

    "I'm so sorry." Delilah sobbed. "I didn't want to ruin your life. It's a mistake to get caught up with me. But, yes, it's your baby. I haven't been with anyone else since you. . . "

    "We'll figure it out. We'll think of something. You won't be alone." Jackson swore. "Do you still love me?"

    Delilah sobbed even harder. "Yes, of course I do. If I didn't love you, would I care about breaking up your happy home, or would I be on your doorstep demanding some money or some support?"

    "Well, if you didn't want the baby, you wouldn't tell me, just give it up for adopton."

    "I couldn't do that. The baby is a part of you, and I'm in love with you. Did you know that I have seriously thought what if we got married? And I wasn't afraid to marry you."

    Jackson burst into tears and held Delilah tighter. "I love you. I wish you wouldn't have shut me out. We'll figure this out together. Just give me some time."

    "Okay, I will." Delilah whispered, holding on to his arms for dear life.
  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    sigh....... I thought this was supposed to be a short story... not that I'm complaining...
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Wow, Kristal. This is great!

    I love the characters ... don't leave us hanging!
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    More Pictures

    1) Elijah's birthday party. Notice the blonde guy with glasses in the back looking a little sad (Luke)
    2) Virginia and Elijah
    3) A close-up of Elijah: his Dad made over

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  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    It was hot and Jackson was tired, but he didn't stop running. The only time he could think clearly was when he was in motion. When he was in the military, he had built up a strong, fit body using his obsticle course. Since he had recently become a cop, he hadn't used it as much. But now, with his life becoming complicated, he needed as fit a body and as clear a mind as ever.

    He was about to become a father for the second time. He was responsible for two households, no matter what. Both his children needed him. Both women needed him.

    It never once occured to Jackson to wash his hands of either Virginia or Delilah. He was the man, he was the responsible person in both relationships. Virginia was a party girl. Delilah was too, but in a different, more down-to-earth way. Virginia was a good housekeeper but a poor mother. Delilah was a wonderful mother but a poor housekeeper. Neither one made enough money to support Jackson's kids the way he wanted them to be supported.

    A normal man would choose. He would end the affair and stay with his wife, or else he would divorce his wife and marry the girlfriend. Delilah had even said that she would not mind marrying him. And she definately deserved a husband and a normal life. She did not deserve to be someone's mistress.

    But, he still loved Virginia, deep down. She wasn't the most attentive, affectionate wife, but she was fun and sunny and a joy to be around. What Delilah lacked in perkiness she more than made up for in sultry, sexy, passion.

    Jackson had to stop and wipe the sweat off his face and get his breath back. He could feel his stomach muscles tightening up from his morning of exercise, but his mind was not any more cluttered.

    He loved them both. That was the bottom line. And because he had grown up without a father, he could not walk away and leave his children in the same predicament.

    Could he be in two places at once? Could he be a bigamist. Becuase in reality, that was what he was contemplating.

    Sooner or later, he would get caught. Cheaters always got caught. Secrets never stay safely locked away in a closet the way you want them to. And, with River Valley being such a small community, a man having two families would be noticed. Tounges would be loosened. Gossip would start, and very soon reach the ears of those that would be hurt the most. How long, logically, could he keep up a double life?

    He walked inside and looked over baby Elijah, sleeping soundly in his crib. Soon, he'd have a little brother or sister. What if it was a brother, and the two of them were competing against each other in sports, or for a girlfriend in the future? What is if was a sister, and they wanted to date because they didn't know they were siblings?

    "Stop this. You're going to drive yourself crazy with the what ifs." Jackson told himself. He tucked Elijah in and went to take a shower.

    Viginia came into the bathroom a little later, as Jackson was washing his hair. She peeked playfully at him through the curtain, then started brushing her teeth.

    "I have something to tell you." Jackson said hesitantly.

    Virginia spit and said, "Yeah, hon? What is it?"

    "I'm going to be going undercover for a while. I won't be around as much as I have been. Working late nights, coming home in the wee hours, or maybe even being gone for days or weeks."

    It was such a lame lie. He thought she would see right through him. "Does this mean you're getting a raise?" She asked hopefully.

    "Sure," he said weakly. "And a nice bonus, too. But I'm going to have to work my tail off to get it. You understand, right."

    Virginia squeeled. "Great! I'm gonna get a big-screen TV when you get the bonus!"

    "You won't miss me?" Jackson blurted out, horrified at the thought that his wife was not more distressed or suspicious.

    "Honey!" she handed him a towel as he stepped out of the shower. "Of course I'll miss you. But we're fine. Mom's here to keep my company. I can bring my friends over and have parties here, everything will be cool. And when we get the big-screen, Ah! Just imagine the movie nights we'll have! I'll invite everyone! Your mom and all the brothers and sisters, the Dawsons, the Simpsons, the Marleys. . ."

    As she wandered off, naming all her cronies, Jackson looked at himself in the mirror. She actually sounded happy that he wasn't going to be around so much! Maybe he wasn't doing such a bad thing after all. Maybe he could really get away with this. At least, for now. He frowned and shook his head. "Keep that positive outlook, Detective Hicks." He muttered to his reflection. Almost to his relief, the reflection did not talk back.

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  12. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    When good sims go bad is right! I can't wait to see where this goes.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I really love this story, Kristal, and your pictures, too. More, please. :) And that title makes me laugh every time I read it. :D
  14. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    First things first: He was cleaning up this yard.

    As he weeded and replanted the flowerbeds, Delilah and Trevor watched from the porch. Both of them looked unwell, undernourished. Trevor looked thin and Delilah's face looked pale and drawn. Jackson wondered if Delilah had been able to cook and take care of Trevor since her pregnancy started.

    "Hey, Trevor, would you like to help me kill some weeds?" He asked, winking at the boy.

    Trevor's eyes lit up. "Would I!" He exclaimed, then ran down and started helping.

    "It's too hot for you out here, Delilah. Why don't you go inside and put your feet up. You look like you're about to pass out." Jackson looked into her chocolate eyes, concerned for her.

    "I feel like if I take my eyes off of you, you'll disapear, like some dream." Delilah breathed. She struggled to stand up, and Jackson rushed over, dirty hands and all, to help her. "I just can't believe you're really here."

    "I am, sweetie, as long as I can be." He kissed her cheek and gave her a gentle nudge inside the trailer.

    Trevor was an eager assistant. It occured to Jackson that Trevor was not used to having a man around the house. His own father had never been around, either. Jackson had been the one to do the cooking, the cleaning, and the bulk of the childcare while he was growing up. His mother, Charlene, worked nights and slept most days. And she had never been what some would call and "entergetic" parent. On her days off she lounged on the couch watching her "stories" or reading trashy romance novels. When she had finally married Larry Thompson, Jackson was a teenager, ready to go to College. He had resented Larry as an intruder in his home. He had been the man of the house, and Larry had taken over. In the long run, of course, it was better for all of them. Jackson was able to finally be a young man and have some fun. And Charlene found someone to love her and support her. They had purchased a new Double-wide trailer soon after he left home and filled it with 6 more happy children.

    Jackson wondered if Trevor would resent him the way he had resented Larry. He gave the little guy gentle guidance as they worked on the landscaping, and praised him when he did well.

    "Are you gonna stay for dinner tonight, Mr. Hicks?" Trevor asked as they put the tools away.

    "I sure am. I'm even gonna cook it."

    "Just as long as it's not chefs salad or hamburgers. That's all Mom ever makes."

    Jackson smiled. "I think I can make something different."

    About that time, both of them heard Delilah scream. They ran as quickly as they could and found her standing beside her bed, holding her stomach.

    "The baby! The baby's coming!" She gasped, looking terrified.

    Before anyone could say anything else, the baby was born. Jackson had another son. Delilah named him Jeremy. jackson took the baby from her and looked deeply into his eyes. Little Jeremy looked very much like his brother Elijah had right after birth.

    "Lie down and rest, honey. I'll take care of the baby." Jackson soothed, kissing her forehead.

    "I still can't believe you're here." Delilah whispered, drifting off to sleep.

    Jackson fed Jeremy his first bottle and gave him a bath. Then he noticed Trevor, sitting on the couch, looking forlorn. In all the excitement, they'd forgotten the boy.

    "Hey, Trev, I need some help. Can you step up and be the big brother for a sec?"

    Trevor grinned a toothy grin. "What do you need?"

    "I need someone to hold this baby so I can get his crib and changing table set up. Think you can do that?"

    Trevor jumped up excitedly. "Sure I can!"

    Jackson handed the baby off to Trevor, reminded him to support his head, and then hurridly finished setting up the nursery. They had decided to move the table into the kitchen to make room for the baby in the dining room. Delilah had even managed to wallpaper and put in new carpet. But she had not gotten the furniture set up yet. Jackson was more than happy to do that for her.

    After he got the nursery together, he placed little Jeremy in the crib and tucked him in. Jeremy smiled contentedly in his sleep. He recalled looking at one of his baby brothers (Tucker, he thinks, but he gets them confused sometimes) and noticing him smile in his sleep like that. Larry, watching them together, had said, "I know your Ma says it's just gas, but I like to think that there's an angel talking to babies, tellin' them about what a good life they have ahead, and how much they're loved."

    He served pork chops for dinner, to Trevor's delight. Delilah had showered and came to join them. "I feel so much better now," she laughed, looking down at her newly-regained figure. "You were a lifesaver tonight."

    Jackson laughed and did his best cowboy impression. "Aww, shucks, ma'am. T'was no problem."

    After dinner, Trevor insisted that Jackson tuck him in. No problems with the boy resenting him, Jackson thought happilly. Delilah diapered and fed Jeremy, then put the sleepy newborn back to bed.

    Jackson was sitting on the couch, resting a little, when she came into the room. "Do you have to go? Can't you stay the night?"

    "I called home while you were putting Jeremy down. Harriet's asleep, Virginia's at work. I just left a message that I was undercover and I didn't know when I'd be home."

    "She won't be angry? I would be angry." Delilah put out her bottom lip.

    "She's not the jellous type, I guess." Jackson said quietly.

    Delilah sank down onto the couch and cuddled up to Jackson's chest. "I love the way you took up with Trevor. His father is such an egotistical person, he couldn't care less that he has a son. I thought I was doing a good-enough job of being both mother and father to him, but tonight opened my eyes."

    "I didn't have a father growing up, so I know how it feels," Jackson explained.

    "I didn't have one, either. I never knew my Dad. My mom called him a mysterious stranger. Knowing her, that meant it was a drunken one night stand, or that I was probably concieved in some photo booth or the back seat of a car." Delilah gunted bitterly. "She always said it didn't matter. That it was just us girls. But I always felt more like her sister than her daughter. I always wondered what I was missing, not having a father. I guess," she looked up and gazed deeply into Jackson's eyes, "That's why I ran around so much, still looking for that father figure."

    Jackson pulled her onto his lap and kissed her deeply. He truly felt at home and happy in her arms. How could having this be wrong? All his life, he had put others first, never feeling right in taking the joy out of life. For once, he was going to be selfish.
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I'm lovin' it! :) Seriously, it's good stuff.
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    He didn't have to tiptoe, but he did anyway. He didn't want to take the chance of disturbing his family. Well, this family. The 1st one, you could say.

    It had only been a few weeks since Jeremy's birth. Jackson was starting to feel overwhelmed, but hiding it well. He had even gotten a promotion to "Vice Squad" at work, so he must be doing something right.

    Virginia was in bed with the blankets pulled up to her face. She lay on her side, sleeping soundly. Jackson stripped off to his underwear and climbed in, liking the feel of the expensive mattress on this bed. He would have to remember to buy one for Delilah's house.

    "Soo, late night? Catch any bimbos?" Virginia asked sleepily, and turned over to face him.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Jackson was glad it was dark and hoped that she would not see his blush at her question. Was she finally getting suspicious?

    "You didn't. I was waiting for you. Haven't seen you around much lately."

    Jackson chuckled. "Didn't think you missed me."

    She ran her fingers through his unruly blond locks and murmured, "How could I not miss my husband, handsome stud that he is."

    "Stud? Are you wanting something, Virginia?" Jackson figured it was cash. Or maybe a new car. Or maybe to start on him about the big screen TV again.

    "Sure am," she smiled seductively, and pulled the covers up over both their heads, pressing her half-naked body against his.

    For the first time in his life, Jackson had woo hoo twice in one night with two different women. He couldn't imagine how happy he was. Or how big he was going to fall.
  17. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    The next morning, Jackson was smiling as he cooked omlettes for the family. Virginia was in the shower, singing, and Harriet shuffled around the kitchen, humming. Elijah was in his room playing with his bunny-toy. Family #1: Happy.

    Harriet had not been the same since her death and ressurection. Once an intelligent, strong woman, she was now unskilled, introverted, slow. She was an excellent Grandmother and took good care of Elijah, but her cooking and cleaning skills were horrible. Jackson was always picking up dirty bottles from the floor. When he was home, that is.

    "You came in awful late again last night," Harriet commented as Jackson handed her her breakfast.

    "Yeah, I know. It's rough out there on the streets, Nana." Jackson replied, not meeting her gaze.

    "You know, my husband started doing that. He was a doctor, started working late, working a lot. Then I heard these rumors about his partner, Dr. Simpson. You know her, Jackson?"

    "Yes, Nana. He married Tina after you passed away, remember? They were just here for Elijah's birthday party a couple of months ago."

    "Oh, sorry," she answered a bit snappilly, which made Jackson snicker behind a forkfull of eggs.

    "I was just thinkin'" she went on, talking with her mouth full, "that his relationship with her started before then. He had her pregnant, see. That little girl, Arwen was born before I died."

    "That's not true," Jackson said, trying to hide his shock. He had been in college with Virginia at the time all this was happeing. Tina's son, Kaleb, was also in college with them. He was trying to remember if he had mentioned his mother giving birth at this time, but couldn't.

    Virginia came into the room, smelling of lilac. "She was pregnant, Mom, but she didn't have the baby until after you had your accident, remember?"

    "Oh, yeah, that's right." Harriet slapped her forehead. "Well, anyway, I was just. . ."

    "You were just accusing Jackson, weren't you?" Virginia pointed at her mother in a "naughty-naughty" sort of way. "Leave him alone. He's working hard to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly, and you'd talk to him like that!"

    Jackson felt ill. "It's okay, Honey. She didn't mean anything by it." He stood up and washed his plate out in the sink.

    "You two don't have a normal relationship. Staying out all the time, working so much and not having anything nice to show for it! Been married forever and only having little Elijah. Shoot, y'all don't see each other long enough for you to get pregnant, Virginia. But, I'll bet you both are. . ."

    Virginia slapped her hand on the table and yelled, "That's enough, Mother!"

    In his bedroom, Elijah began to cry. Jackson excused himself and went to comfort the baby. He was glad for the easy out.
  18. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Oooh. Harriet makes me laugh - always the meddling MIL. I like Jackson - I don't know why. I think it's 'cos he's a bit rebellious.

    This story is excellent. Does it have to be a short story?
  19. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Wow, very cool. I may just do something like this, because I'm getting a little tired with Kina and River. They just aren't getting along...(nevermind the fact that I caused them to be like that :rolleyes: )
  20. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Nooo! Don't deprive me of Kina and River! PLEASE!!!! *Sobs uncontrollably*

    Ahem. I mean, 123, please reconsider. I very much like Kina and River, and would hate to see them go.

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