When Is The Next Chat On.............

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Crazy13, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Crazy13

    Crazy13 New Member

    When Is The Next Chat On.............

    When is the next chat on TheSims2.com? Just wondering Because there has not been any in quite awile :shocked:
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    That's a good question. I thought they would have had one last Thursday, but no such luck. We'll just have to wait to see what happens.
  3. Crazy13

    Crazy13 New Member

    The question i want to know if you can mow the grass! that would be kinda fun!
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Haha I hadn't heard them say anything about being able to do that, but even if they don't make it so you can have your sims mow the lawn, I think you could probably still make the grass grow thicker and then go back down again using the player controls... if that makes sense...
  5. Crazy13

    Crazy13 New Member

    you could probably do that but it wouldnt be as fun!! :p
  6. Crazy13

    Crazy13 New Member

    Shouldnt there be a chat today on www.thesims2.com ?

    Its Thursday or are they not doing the chat anymore?
  7. Bri5002

    Bri5002 New Member

    I think that they would say if they went gonna do chats anymore.
    Wanna chat?
  8. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree


    you can always go to www.thesimschat.com if you want to chat about The Sims... there is always a way...!:surprised:

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