Troubleshooting windows vista + sims 2 = no happy

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by lanidus, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. lanidus

    lanidus New Member

    windows vista + sims 2 = no happy

    I have a dual core Pentium ati radeon express 200m and almost a thousand ram running on windows vista, ea games gave me a bootleg response of changing my direct x (and we all know vista has the newest) and doing the compatibility fix on the shortcut and that didn't work. So what am I screwed till ea games makes a patch for vista (will they even make one) well I gotta go to work.
  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    If Vista offers a "Compatibility Mode" like XP does, you might try using that. :)
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    Exactly what is wrong?
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    When you get back from work please check the FAQs for advice on posting - more information is needed for us to respond. The game runs well enough on Vista.
  5. lanidus

    lanidus New Member

    okay so when I first click on the sims2.exe with compatibility mode that ea recommends to windows xp service pack 2 (ON) with the updated patch and tried with the regular game version as well...a message from windows pops up and tells me that {this program has know compability issues} [check online to see if solutions are available from the microsoft website yad di ya di yada press the "check for solutions" button and of course it finds nothing, so I end up just pressing the [run program] button because the only other button is cancel and then nothing happens what when I press the run program the spash screen comes up and 2 seconds later another windows pop up comes up and says that "the sims 2 has quit working" and windows looks for a solution..doesnt find one and then after that it says "a problem had caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is avaible. (like thats gonna happen) but seriously thats my problem and like I said I have a brand new computer with everything on it. dual core pention 1.7 ghz I think with a ati radeon xpress 200m and almost a 1000 ram. so does anyone have any ideas other than downgrade back to xp which I dont have time to but I will. YOur help will be much appreciated. now im going to steal myspace.
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I have a GB of RAM but with WinXP and frankly that's just barely enough.

    You say you have "almost" 1000 ram could it be that you have cobbled bits from old PC to make up some extra ram from a machine sold with 512 ... in fact scratch that question. I can't think how you can have "almost"

    And Vista. Is it the basic or the premium? Are you running the Aero interface?

    Lets have some diagnostic info. Does Vista have a dxdiag ... it must have. Try start > run .. dxdiag and see what happens. (I assume there;s a start button ... I have stopped looking at new puters and therefore I'm proud to say I haven't even seen Vista in the flesh ... I'm not buying one until the prices come down.)
  7. lanidus

    lanidus New Member

    :D lol now that I look at it thats pretty funny, I dunno maybe like a worldsim's blooper or something?! Actually is 960mb ram. its the basic windows and yes I had the areo interface on but I just turned it off to see if it worked(and yea it didnt) and now windows vista actually dont look that good anymore. and no I know about dxdiag but theres not a "run command line" and I dont know any other way to pull up the diagnostics, heck I can even msconfig this thing to turn off some of this crap. but im going off topic now, but while im am dont buy vista it sucks you have to give it permission for literely eveything and say you have the fastest computer with vista and someone has the exact same computer but with xp, the xp computer will be faster becasue of so much resorces vista takes up, and worst of all you cant play the sims 2. man im hungry,
  8. Jill Valentine

    Jill Valentine New Member

    No Microsoft OS is worth your time and money until at least the first service pack is released ! The first version of a new family w/out any service packs will always be buggie.
    But I have heard that TS2 has no problems with Vista, so I can't help you there enough, since I still don't know Vista.

    I have 4GB RAM with my XP, I don't plan to have just 1GB with Vista :). Since Vista takes so much of the system, can't that be it ?

    See ya !!!
  9. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Lan, favor. Please use some punctuation. I got a mild headache after reading your posts.

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