
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Zootyzoot, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips


    A wishlist thread!

    For starters:
    1) More flexible build tools, so you can build houses with curved walls, glass ceilings and floors
    , houses inspired by Hundertwasser, Gaud, The Watts Tower by Simon Rodia, Le Palais Du Facteur Cheval, the slum sections of cities, troglodyte dwellings, Lucien Kroll etc etc. Also lots more plants and trees (can you make these using HomeCrafter?)
    New living arrangements, e.g. apartments, communes
    3) The ability to share wealth among different families, as well as to give objects as gifts
    4) A BodyShop/HomeCrafter-esque tool which can be used to create custom jobs/aspirations (I know this would create problems with career rewards/ aspiration faliure behaviours, but this is just a wish list after all ;))
    5) The ability to go travelling, rather than just to a resort
    6) Different types of community lots other than shops/parks; for example, art galleries where Sims can display their art, libraries where they can read each other's books, as well as other books of course, and cafes where they can meet up and talk and not have to leave after a couple of hours because they're about to pass out
    7) More things for Sims to create - sculptures and murals as well as paintings. Also it should be easier for you to get Sims to paint custom pictures (to find out how to do this, go to http://www.snootysims.com/painting.php , but be careful, if you feel non-'T for Teen' is unsuitable for you, please be cautious about going beyond the tutorials page).
    8) Sims to be able to gossip about what has happened to them and others more than just talking about how someone they never met once burned their pancakes
  2. lavinder

    lavinder New Member

    My wishlist :

    1. Sims will be able to speak english intead of "simish"
    2. Sims health bars will go down SLOWLY because all i seem to do everyday is is eat, wash, toilet, eat then sleep
    3. More fun things .. Eg. Monkeybars, slides ect ect ..
    4. Sims wont stand there and start stamping thier feet even though they are starving when thier social is down.
    5. PETS!!! Not just fish that swim around ...
    6. Sim Children and Teen wont have homework EVERYDAY!
    7. Sims have a propper birth .
    8. Community lot with food, beds ect so the sims will be able to soicialise for ages.
    9. More intresting WIERD random events.
    10. Funerals
  3. stamata

    stamata New Member

    Lavinder I love all your ideas especially the one about funerals but I have to pick at your first wish. I know it's a wish but you have to understand how long it will take for Maxis to make another Sims game if they have to translate it to all the languages they currently support(not sure of the number if some1 knows can you tell me). and think of the size of that sucker...

    Zootyzoot everything you said I wish they had too, especially apartments... as every1 knows.

    One that hasn't been mentioned much is an automobile of some sorts. Your teen starts off with a scooter then can progress up the ladder. I'm not asking for the cars to be all out customizable but somewhat able to customize the look of the car
  4. stamata

    stamata New Member

    just wanted to thank whoever made me a resident, cause I'm not a drunk... thank you again
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Not really a good idea, you'd notice they were being very repetitive if you could understand them. Plus, Sims is an internationally played game, so by making Sims speak nobody's language, they save a lot of translation time.

    There are "no whining" hacks available on www.modthesims2.com.

    There appears to be references to that in the code, but it's incomplete. Count on Maxis to peddle it as an expansion pack.

    There's a hack for that, too. Same place as above.

    There are hacks for that, too. However, if you do this, visiting Sims often become stranded on community lots or stand there like logs without doing anything on their own until they pee themselves.
  6. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    From lavinder:
    1. Sims will be able to speak english intead of "simish"
    Egad! No! Simlish is actually one of the simplest joys I get from this game. I want more Simlish! Simlish music, more conversational phrases, more Simlish TV shows. "Erookitav!" indeed!
    From J.M. Pescado to the ears of mere mortals:
    There are hacks for that, too. However, if you do this, visiting Sims often become stranded on community lots or stand there like logs without doing anything on their own until they pee themselves.
    Actually I have discovered how to overcome this problem. Make sure no matter how much of the non-community lot stuff you have on lot that you have the basic community lot needs met on the ground floor (community bathroom stall, community grill, community entertainment). Although they still might get stuck trying to leave, your community townies won't stand around uselessly till dead.

    My Wishlist:
    1. More Simlish! ("Shabobadoo!")
    2. More radio music (in Simlish)
    3. More universal hair styles (styles where the three hair colors can be applied)
    Most of my gameplay wishes were addressed by either The Patch or community mods already (thanks much to JM for saving my trees and locking my doors).
  7. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I wish they had adventuring. I want to catch a train from pleasantville to strangetown and it would be nice to have different objects in the different towns. I also wish you could go to the beach and build sandcastles and go swimming in the ocean or scuba diving or snorkelling :D I love the graphics on world of warcraft....the nightelf city there is what I wanted for my sims but impossible to build the spiral staircases around the trees and also when I build around a tree or surround my house with trees, I have problems seeing my sims through the tree. I wish I had a trees down function like the walls down function.
  8. Toast

    Toast Rebmem Drawkcab

    My Wishlist


    1. Retirement homes/nursing homes. So when ma and pa get too old to be productive family members, you can shack 'em up somewhere and keep them under control and not allow them to have any fun.

    2. Cars. 'Nuff said.

    3. More body shapes, sizes. I know this would cause all sorts of graphical problems with clipping and such, but I feel this would add a level of customization to the game unsurpassable by anything else.

    4. Guns. Nothing would give me more satisfaction than having grandma take down a would-be burglar with a pump-action shotgun.

    5. Creepy ghosts that crawl out of the television set and scare the life out of people, and then go rummaging through the refrigerator.

    6. Casinos... "Come on, honey. Let's head to the craps table so we can try to double the money we've saved up for little Bobby's college fund!"

    7. Body hair. Female sims should be able to shave their legs, and if they don't, they start to get shaggy. And people will flee the hot tub in terror when hairy Larry decides to hop in.

    8. Weather/Seasons. Something I saw a lot of in the teaser trailers for TS2, but never actually made it into the final release of the game. "Get out there and rake those leaves, Billy, or I'll show you my hairy back again!"

    9. The ability to follow your sim to work/school. This would be insanely difficult to implement because of how many different careers and levels within those careers there are. But just think of the possibilities...

    10. Random occurences of wild monkey attacks. Your sim is cowering in the corner while various simian creatures flail wildly about the household. One is in the bathtub with his mouth over the drain. There's another sitting in the baby's high-chair with another one feeding it. Another swinging from the ceiling fan, making obsene gestures as it crosses your sim's line of sight. And one more helping little Tommy with his homework.
  9. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!


    1. hospitals and such. more advanced diseases. expensive surgeries. medicine.

    2. cars, like careers: a toddler starts out with a tricycle(parents have to teach it how to ride, like pottytraining and walking), child with a bicycle(parents have to teach it), teen with scooter, adults with choice of motorcycle or car. ahh, think of the possibilities!!

    3. of course, pets. pets are my life. by the age of 22, i hope to reach a pet-population of 33(my lucky number). right now, i have 2. good start.

    4. more hairstyles, hair colors, eye colors, makeup, skin tones, clothes...basically more of everything in the create-a-sim.

    5. following your sim to work/school. i have no idea what you'd do with the sims left at home, but whatever.

    6. more building & buying options.

    7. more simlish. i love simlish. i hope to learn it someday.

    8. men having to shave their faces. i'm not sure i like the idea of women having to shave, however true it is in real life.

    9. more interactions. like, with a chair, not just sit. think of all the things you do in real life with a chair!! (sorry, no pervertedness intended)

    10. closets, not just wardrobes. on that note, more items in general.

    11. more jobs. at least the things you can hire, like babysitter, maid, gardener, repairman. i'd love to have my sims go to work in those cute maid uniforms!!!

    12. more aspirations. i've tried numerous times to make a sim like me, and i can never quite achieve it. i don't believe i'm obsessed with family, fortune, romance, knowledge, or popularity. i think i'm a mix of family and fortune, but not on such an extreme note. i mean, i want to have children and be successful, but i don't really ever want to have 10 children, or reach the top of my career.

    13. ok, to cut this list short, more of everything. there you go.
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Not quite. Some sims, due to their visitor type being incorrectly set, stand around screaming and whining until they finally pee themselves, despite having everything they need for survival already present. They don't even move, they just stand there where they entered the lot and refuse to do anything until they pee themselves. It is impossible for a Sim to die on a community lot by starvation, or even pass out, however, since the game will constantly reset a Sim's hunger and energy values to just above the "fail" point. Sometimes, however, a Sim just won't LEAVE.
  11. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Noooooo! Nonononono. No. Going too far on the imposition of values there ;). I hate the pressure to do that in real life and would hate it on the Sims, too.



    Please let's keep this thread going. Maxis might be listening!
  12. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Maxis? Listening? You're joking, right? Since when has Maxis listened?
  13. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I'm half-joking. They say they are interested in what people want in order to make games that sell well, so a very faint hope is justified, I think.
  14. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    hehe i made it to your goal at age 15! lol actually...maybe 14
    I want pets (not taking up space in your family bar cause hey i may wanna recreate my family pets n all but we have a dozen cats -.-) weather!!!, more meal options? maybe more desserts hehe, holidays also. thats bout it right now

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