Working All the Time - Help!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jiko, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Working All the Time - Help!

    Aaarrgggh, after all this work converting the lot into Water World and killing people and making plant babies, I think maybe the lot is BUGGED! All of a sudden, one person never comes home from work and another person's ride to work never comes. Plus a few objects are "in use" and can't be moved. Everything was FINE! I've exited without saving twice and turned the computer completely off once. Any suggestions???

    oh argh I know I can move the family out but the lot is filled with all my career rewards and aspiration rewards and Phyll's portraits of all the dead family members! Do I have to give up and start over?

    PS: I have no downloads and that computer is not connected to the internet so there are no viruses or hacks.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    If you have inventory (Nightlife onwards) you can take the rewards with you. Failing that try debugging the lot with Pescado's lot debugger. (Thoroughly safe and trustworthy!)

    (Immovable objects should be selected with moverobjects on and deleted ... if the debugger doesn't work)
  3. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Whew, it looks okay. The third time in, I waited a few 'hours' before exiting. Finally everyone came home from work together, on the General's helicopter. This was weird, as the General was due home at 4 pm and they didn't arrive until 6:21. Meanwhile, I had Tweedledum drive to work. He was late, but returned at the correct time. This 'morning,' everyone went to work in the helicopter together, even though that meant some of them were going in early!

    I think one of the bugs that confuses the game is that most of these guys are on their 2nd or 3rd lifetime aspiration. With each promotion, I get the message that they've reached the top of the career, even if it's just to 'drive-in clerk' or 'intern.' They keep getting promoted, I keep getting the 'congratulations, you've reached the top' message.

    And we keep swimming. I'll see if I can figure out a way to post photos.

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