Would Like to Throw My Printer Into a Wall. If you're not interested you can stop reading here. It's just one of those thing that bother me about technology. So anyway... I'm using my HP All In One 5510. It's a pretty respectable printer... I've had it for about a year and a half now. So I go to print something out the other day... and it jams. Or at least it says it jams. So I spend an hour and a half online with tech support, and the problem resolves itself. So I think to myself, all right... no harm, no foul. So anyway, I turn it on Sunday night so I can print a report that I had to do for Spanish. Prints out one page... fine. Prints out one of the pages of pictures I need... OK! So I'm happy. And the I get to the third page of pictures... and what's it do? It jams. So, I go through the steps I went with Tech Support. And... it doesn't work. So, I'm stuck with a deadbeat printer that will only print one page on its terms. I want to throw the thing into a wall, get a Remington Noiseless Portable Typewriter and be done with it. To heck with tech! -John
I hear sledgehammers work wonders in "fixing" electronic problems. Added: I haven't really encountered any printer problems with my stuff but some of the other items (i.e. fax/laptop) give me quite a bit of trouble..
Ah yes ... HP printers, so good that no one makes generic cartridges for them. I go out and look but all I see are Epson & Lexmark clone cartridges, no-one seems to stock HP clones ... and I'm not paying HP prices so my colour printing will have to remain blueless until both the red and yella run out. Occasionally I have a minor brainstorm and stop to consider the fanciful notion of buying a cartridge refill kit but I generally recover my sanity and forget the idea ... I remember too well the unforgettable fun had by science guru and all-round fabby bloke Rob Cockerham when he tried to refil his ink cartridge ... http://www.cockeyed.com/science/refill/refill.html
You want printer problems? This is a doozy. Where I work, we use a special program to keep track of our Special Ed students. Now, at my home school, I can print from Word, or from the internet, no problem. However, when I start our program, the printer gets picky. It doesn't like to print from the program. I usually have to restart the computer at least twice, and make our program the first and only program I have up and running. Then, if the printer's in a good mood, I MIGHT get what I asked for it to print. It's really frustrating and it makes me want to hurl the printer out the window. But since I'm on a ground floor, that won't do as much damage as I would like, so for now I'll refrain from violence and just take solace in the fact that I have less than a month to go until a 2 1/2 month vacation. MegRen *breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out*
OK Meg, you win That is quite a problem. I'm sure you're looking forward to that 2.5 month vacation... well deserved. Have fun -John PS. In the meantime, my printer is still jammed, and it can stay that way until it changes its mind... I don't care anymore.
I also have a printer prob, but I won't post until somebody helps you with yours. Where's Josh when you need him?
If you want to post, you're more than welcome to. If anyone can get any help out of this post, it'll be worth it.
I like my printer. It is a good, well-behaved little HP laser printer that has the proper fear of my wrath and does not jam. Having said that I have probably jinxed myself for all time. Hope your issues can be resolved.
LOL! You are incredibly lucky to have such a printer. Unfortunately for me, I went out and bought a new printer the other day... I'm glad that I can print again. But for me, spending money is almost painful. LOL! Thankfully I only went halves on it... the other half is part of my birthday present. Debt sucks! Really.... I went into debt (to myself, thankfully) to buy my Mac. So now I'm trying to repay my savings AND still put half my paycheck away... and it's going to take me until the middle of summer. Bah! -John
Wot I hate about printers: I went out with a friend a little while back because she needed a printer urgently and she dragged me with her because I supposed to be the expert. As one would expect PC World was chock-a-block with printers. My friend only wanted a fairly basic thing because funds were limited and it was only required for the kids' homework and school projects. Y'know it's appalling that companies can get away with big displays of 24.99 printers, sending out their acne-ied oicks (who wouldn't know a red from a magenta) to close without so much as an "offer at cheap" ... let alone a dazzle ... cos if those guys were bulbs they wouldn't dazzle if you you put 4 million volts through them ... where was I?) to assist the poor harried customer. Any why do we need assisting? Because the packaging is so darn pretty, one needs the skills of Sherlock Holmes to fathom out what, exactly is inside the box. Look in vain for some sort of long whippy thing to join it to your PC. USB cables start at 15 quid. What? I shrilled. They used to be made by robots in Korea before the Chinese got hold of robots that worked for less. The real killer, though is that the ink cartridges are not included. Um, excuse me, this is a printer. I am buying it to print. Shouldn't there be some ink in it? I expect to have to pay to refill it, but honestly. It's like buying a car and then having to push it to the gas station. I wouldn't mind if they told me a printer was gonna cost me 50 quid ... or 60 or 70. So long as I can take it home in a box and plug and go. LOL ... I feel much better after that
(Please note that any figures given in GBP are converted via the XE currency converter) I know what you mean, Mirelly. Now I'm lucky enough to have ink included in our printers... but as you mentioned, the USB cable being seperate is annoying. (I'm lucky... my house is a printer graveyard and I have USB cables laying around ) But like you said, they cost outrageous amounts. Here they're $30 each, which... if I'm not mistaken, is a just a little more than 15. Now... at my staggering rate of 3.31 (or, $6.15) per hour, it would take me... 4.8 hrs. to earn what? A cord? Yeah, that's what I'm going to spend MY money on. You had mentioned the 50 plug-and-play printer? Mine cost me around 63.50 and still came missing the USB cable... definitely not plug and play. (As you can tell, for me it's not the ink that bugs me. It's the cable. But, I will admit, the photo cartridge on the printer wasn't included... to be expected, though, I suppose) -John