Xbox 360

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Valentine, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Valentine

    Valentine Scottish Gamer

    Xbox 360


    Anyone here have an Xbox 360? I assume some people here might have one, since a large forum.

  2. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Yuppers I have one!
    At the moment I'm exploring the galaxy in Mass Effect!
  3. Valentine

    Valentine Scottish Gamer

    Mass Effect actually looks quite interesting. I don't own the game myself, but it looks good from the little parts of gameplay that I have saw. I'm more into games like Gears of War 2, Halo 3 and Resident Evil 5. My Gamercard is "RD1 Valentine" in case anyone is interested.

    If you are into Gears of War 2, you'll be pleased to know that the new map pack has been released onto the Marketplace. Upon purchase,(1200 MS Points) you obtain 7 new Multiplayer maps, and a deleted scene called "Road To Ruin". You have two choices, you can either go in "Guns Blazin' " or you can choose the "Stealth" option, where Marcus and Dom sneak through Nexus geared as Theron Guards.

    It's not bad, but could be better, easily completed in 5 - 10 minutes.

  4. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I'm actually not much for multi-player games as I like the nice casual style of gaming without some punk teenager(s) shooting me just for the heck of it.
    I mostly like rpg's and games like Mass Effect and Fable 2 but I'm still having a blast playing Lego Indiana Jones and want to get Lego Star Wars and maybe Lego Batman too!
  5. Valentine

    Valentine Scottish Gamer

    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It can get very.....annoying. But if you're on a match with all of your mates, it's fun. I do like the LEGO games myself, quite entertaining. I have fully completed the Star Wars Saga for PS2 which was great fun! It's even better when someone else is playing on the 2nd controller, 'cause you can "accidentally" kill them and watch them fall into lego pieces! >: )

  6. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Yeah the only complaint I have about the games is it only gives you 4 hearts and sometimes it don't take very long at all to get killed especially when the grenade throwers just pop up off screen and let go with a grenade.
  7. alii lemm

    alii lemm New Member

    haha i played my friends xbox 360... or ps3 im not rly sure of the differance :L and i got blown up like tons lol. it defo wasnt me shooting you :L

    alexx xx

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