...yaD slooF lirpA yppaH ...smiSdlroW ta slooF lirpA ekil gnihtoN .gninrom eht ni esnes ekam lliw egassem siht fo enon ,esruoc fO
Thank God that's over. I'd like to go on record as saying that was the worst April Fool ever. Sorry Josh but a joke either has to end once the laughing stops (or else keep upping the humor ante) ... just carrying on kicking the poor mug in the same spot repeatedly soon become annnoying
dear ot drah si esle gnihtyreve ,murof siht gnidaer omrF ti epyt ot revo dna revo esarhp eht taeper ot evah I gnitaretsurf steg sihT !!!hhhgrrrraaaA
Well I guess it depends on how you look at it. I don't pull an April's fool prank that often . This is probably only the second one I've pulled in the history of WorldSims
Sorry Josh, but Google's TiSP was a much better prank than your 'switch everything back to front' Although I guess you did save a day's worth of bandwidth.
OMG Was that Google thing a prank? I wondered why my laptop shorted out when I poked its modem cable down the toilet? (see how to install TISP)
LOL Mirelly - I thought it was a clever prank and I found it amusing, moreso because everyone else was going nuts about it. Hehehe, I just love to see people suffer. :devil: It was only for one day anyway. I guess it shows how much we love WorldSims and wanted it back to normal asap.
I found it very amusing as well, and I'm sure there are a ton of people who only come and check the site once per day (or less ) so I'm sure Josh just wanted everyone possible to be pranked! That google one was funny. Anyone see MTS2's prank about merging with the exchange and all the "good downloads" they had pulled for everyone to check out? That was pretty funny too.
Yeah, I logged on just to have a quick look, like I usually do and everything was back to front and I was like WHAT??!??!?!?!?!?!!?!??! The first thing that came to my mind was that my computer had gone weird. I even tried to log out and then back in again several times to see if it would dissapear! All I have to say is: Josh, you sure fooled me with that April Fools prank! lol. :white:
Because I am nothing if not honest. I was taken in for a few moments. My first reaction was to refresh the page and when that didn't work, I killed Firefox and relaunched it. Bah! Now I was confusicled. I was just wondering where to look in the File > Options menu when I remembered the date. I still tried clearing all my cookies in the hope that it was cookie related.
I opened the site, stared at it for a few moments, wondering if perhaps I had been redirected to a site with a different language, and then I got it.
I just thought that Josh had been tweaking the coding and made a lil oopsie error. I took about 8 screenshots and when he said the forums looked fine to him, I emailed a couple of screenies. Had no idea at all that it was 1st April.
...I was expecting something, I just didn't know what. When I first read the forums my jaw dropped a little, and then I chuckled. Oh well. Thank God that nightmare is over
Oh, I realized it was an April fool's thing after I thought about it for a minute. Actually, it made me laugh a lot, although I kept checking in for the rest of the day to see if it had changed back so that I could read new posts. The Discover magazine got me bad one year. For an entire day (maybe even two) I actually believed some ridiculous animal story they printed, complete with phony pictures. I felt the fool for sure. What did Josh do with Worldims last year? I can't remember. I think MTS2 had something about the Llama mascot going on.