You Can Follow Your Sims To Work Awesome!! GUYS!!! Did you check the two screenshots on the front of this website.... you can follow your sims to work and the two jobs they show are Mad Scientist and Police!! COOL!!!! Can you put some more info on this ManagerJosh and is the job done in your house or is it a set place?? because the places they were working in kind of looked like the inside of a house.... unless its not the job!!! Well... anyway can you tell us more ManagerJosh? THANKS!
From seeing the screenshots I'm starting to wonder if following your sims to work will be kind of like doing the Superstar career in the SuperStar expansion worked? Where you go to a work area and click on the set/object and have to do it right to do well at it? They did say there were little mini missions for work so maybe this is how some of that will work?
Hmmm...Im wondering if that will be cool or not, we need something different, the same thing could get boring really quickly. Also thos screenshots on the cheerleader camp do you think it like work for the teens or will work as superstar again?
I'm not sure what the cheerleader camp set actually is, maybe it is training your teenage sims can take to prepare for a military career track when they grow up?
you can't follow your sims to work. When you have worked to a certain extent then you can unlock a work object and have it in your home to work on your skills.
I'm thinking maybe the cop unlocked a polygraph career object and she's questioning either someone who got caught in her home or her husband since now you can marry the burgler.
I hate to say it but you're wrong. Actually when you get to the top of your career chain you unlock new career items and they were showing those. I can tell you where I got the information but I cannot show you it. I subscibed to the monthly Sims Scoop. I wish I could show you but I could get sued if I do. (I'll be in violation of a legal disclaimer)
First of all I'm right. I basically said the same thing you just said just in different words and stop writng in that blinding ugly blue.
First of all, I can write in WHATEVER color I want! If I wanted to write in hot pink I could I don't know about you but I live in America land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE. Get some manners and a life. PS: If you don't want to look at it then don't read it. DUH!!! [Added:] Now that that's done it really is a pity. I was thinking maybe it would be like a superstar type spinoff but it isn't oh well. I guess I'll just read or something while my sim goes to work.
Really, where does it say you can get sued if you tell other people the information? I wasnt aware of that.. (I never read legal disclaimers... i dont think many other people do)
I can tell people I just can't like publically broadcast it like take the newsletter and email it to someone else or post a link so that other people can view the actual newsletter without subscribing. It doesn't make any sense to me, it's free so they wouldn't be losing any money. I could understand if you had to pay to subscribe but you don't, you just log on and click sign up for Sims2 Newsletter and you get it monthly.
I've got a life and thatblue is annoying and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way so watch your mouth.