Game hints and cheats What me cheat....? For Poor Families The trick is that no matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day, you can get all your money back. So if your Sim is poor and needs body points or something, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to refund all your money. Saving Pizza Have a sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery guy comes DON'T accept the pizza! The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and the pizza will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas as you want, so if your sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch. Disgusting Faces There is a glitch in character creation mode where you can make absolutely disgusting faces. The trick is that if you go to the face designing area and you select a face part such as the eyes and max out all the sliders one way or the other, then go to a different face part and select one of the PREDESIGNED parts, and then come back to the eyes, the sliders will have reset in the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. Exploiting this, you can make eyes the size of dinner plates, cheekbones 4 feet long, and a HUMUNGOUS nose, to name a few. free bookcase skills Buy a bookcase, then have your sim start to study. Interrupt the action so that the book it placed on the ground, then simply sell the bookcase. The book can then do everything the bookcase could have done for free. moveobjects (on/off) moves objects and deletes you couldnt before kaching get 1000 cash help-all list cheats autopatch (on/off) lets you know if theres a patch exit closes cheat window expand expands or contracts cheat window slowmotion Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest) StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller boolprop constrainFloorElevation false Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles. boolprop constrainFloorElevation true Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles. aging on turn on aging aging off turn off aging motherlode 50,000 simoleans faceBlendLimits (on/off) turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures. boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false You can place objects outside the grid. intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more people to your parties. clear Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect. social_debug You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it RoofSlopeAngle (15-75) Changes the slope angle of a roof boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false if set to true ALL other cheats work. familyfunds (Family's last name) XXXX Alots any amount of money you desire to any sim family (remove parenthesis in the family's last name and replace the XXXX's with any amount you want) Ran across these on game spot... anyone got any others? Warning to newbies and the computer illiterate, boolProp use can really mess your game up, use sparingly or not at all.
These cheats are really good! Thanks for that, Michelle! You know what, I'm going to sticky this thread. If anybody else has any good hints and cheats, feel free to share them here with us!
Oh? Time to plug my site? Heh. Anyways, here's a lengthy list from what I could find on the net here: There is plenty more out there as well that I still need to gather... During the game, hit CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the Cheat Entry Box. Now enter one of the following and hit Enter. Kaching Adds 1,000 to household funds Motherlode Adds 1,000 to household funds Moveobjects on/off Moves unmoveable objects Aging -on/-off Sims won’t age StretchSkeleton (number) Make your sims taller or smaller, 2.0 double size, 0.5 half size etc intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more guests with a party. Can change last number to anything higher or lower. Use in Neighbourhood screen boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] Use ‘false’ to place objects out of grid boolProp testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] Use ‘true’ to enable CAS debugmode and more boolprop constrainFloorElevation [true/false] Use ‘false’ to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it boolProp simShadows [true/false] Turns shadow of sim on or off Vsync on/off Turning off increases game performance but with some graphical errors boolProp displayPaths [true/false] True=You see the path where the selected sim walks to faceBlendLimits -on/off When making a child in CAS, this cheat can turn off facial bounding limitations gameVersion After typing in ‘expand’, you see the game version in the cheat box floatProp tvVolume [0.0-1.0] 0.5 is the default. Lower or increase the number to change the T.V volume boolprop lotWater [true/false] False = Removes water from lots (ponds) boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true/false] False = Removes floorpainting on lot boolprop showFloorGrid [true/false] Shows grid or not in build or buy mode boolprop objectShadows [true/false] False = Removes shadows on objects OUTside house boolProp guob [true/false] False = Removes shadows on objects INside house boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] True = Walls no longer cut away for selected sim boolprop locktiles [true/false] False = You can place floortiles outside lot (Like on road) boolprop reflectionWithExtraViewer [true/false] Turns on/off reflection in mirrors boolprop renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel [true/false] True = Objects only appear on levels the selected sim is on and when that floor is selected boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] True = Only see selected simlevel; like when sim is on top floor, other floors are invisible deleteAllCharacters *Neighbourhood cheat Removes every sim from the neighbourhood TerrainType desert/temperate/dirt/concrete *Neighbourhood cheat Toggles between terrain types boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = Camera does not move in Nhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = Removes props like rocks and towers from Nhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = Removes roads from Nhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = Removes trees/plants from Nhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = removes water from Nhood boolprop displayLotImposters [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False = Removes houses from Nhood (just the graphics, not the houses themselves) boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [t/f] *Nhood cheat Where T = true and F = false. When set to False, it removes bridges from the Neighborhood boolprop lotTerrainLighting [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat False=Lots won’t light up when you move your mouse over it in Nhood boolprop carsCompact [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat True=Cars in Nhood have more detail boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat In Nhood, shows filename of house when you move your mouse over a lot boolprop nhoodWaterReflection [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat Turns on/off water reflection in nhood boolProp carsOnRight [true/false] *Neighbourhood cheat Cars in Nhood drive on left or right side of road Slowmotion 0-8 *Filmmaking Cheat 0 is normal speed and 8 is slower boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false *Filmmaking Cheat Must be true for all filmic cheats to function Bloom (r g b x) *Filmmaking Cheat Creates a filmic look in which everything’s so bright it blurs together “r”, “g,” and “b” are color values (0-255) and “x” is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255 vignette (centerx centery X) *Filmmaking Cheat Creates a filmic look in which a focal point is clear but everything around it is blurry filmgrain (0-1) *Filmmaking Cheat Creates a film graininess letterbox (0.0-0.4) *Filmmaking Cheat Creates a letterbox view of size specified boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false *Requires University boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false changelotzoning dorm *Requires University Make a dorm from the beggining on a residential lot in a blank neighbourhood boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [t/f] *Requires University T = True and F= false. Allows you to rotate objects 45 degrees setHighestAllowedLevel [level] *Requires University You can build a building with more than 5 floors familyfunds [Familyname] # *Requires Nightlife Add or extract money for a chosen family. For example, “familyfunds Sims +50000″ adds 50.000 to family Sims. -50000 extracts 50.000 roofslopeangle [15-75] *Requires Nightlife Adjusts the slope angle on all roofs on a lot showHeadlines [on/off] *Requires Nightlife Makes all thought balloons invisible unlockCareerRewards *Requires Nightlife Unlocks all career rewards for selected Sim MaxMotives *Requires Nightlife Sets all needs for all Sims on the lot to full motiveDecay [on/off] *Requires Nightlife Turns natural need decay on or off aspirationPoints # *Requires Nightlife Adds the specified number of Aspiration points to selected Sim lockAspiration [on/off] *Requires Nightlife Freezes aspiration point decay for all Sims on the lot aspirationLevel [0-5] *Requires Nightlife Changes Sims’ aspiration level. 0=lowest, 5=Platinum level agesimcheat [on/off] *Requires Nightlife Adds ’set age’ to interaction menu. Any Sim you click on can be set to any age group setLotLightingFile [filename] *Requires Nightlife Change lighting by choosing an alternate lighting file. Original can be found in /Nightlife/TSData/Res/Lights. To restore use “setLotLightingFile clear” boolprop ControlPets [on/off] *Requires Pets Makes pets fully controlable, but you can’t cancel actions from their queue boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] *Requires Pets Turns off aging for kittens and puppies boolprop PetActionCancel [true/false] *Requires Pets Makes actions in a pet’s queue accessible boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] *Requires Pets Activates labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects to show which product they came from (EP or SP) boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] *Requires Pets Turns pet free will off DeleteAllAwnings *Requires Pets Deletes all awnings on lot DeleteAllFences *Requires Pets Deletes all fences on lot DeleteAllHalfWalls *Requires Pets Deletes all half walls on lot DeleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] *Requires Pets Deletes all Doors, Windows or Stairs on lot DeleteAllWalls *Requires Pets Deletes all walls on lot IndividualRoofSlopeAngle [15/75] *Requires Pets Activates a tool to change the roof slopes of individual roofs on a lot AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off] *Requires Open for Business Click on an NPC to add one to the current household Forcetwins *Requires Open for Business With a pregnant Sim selected, using this cheat will transform the pregnancy into a twin birth Sethour [0-23] *Requires Open for Business Sets time of day Plumbbobtoggle [on/off] *Requires Open for Business Makes the overhead plumb bob invisible bugJarTimeDecay [on/off] *Requires Seasons Makes fireflies live forever in jars when set to off modifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off] *Requires FreeTime Modify Nhood terrain: [= Raise, ]=lower, \=level, p=Smooth terrain
Some of you may already know this one, but I found it extremely useful: ever get sick of getting all of your Sim needs up? (Hunger, Hygiene, Energy, etc.) Well, with this cheat you can get all of your Sims Needs up to almost maximum. 1. press SHIFT+CTRL+C to bring up the cheat box. 2. type in "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" (be sure to include those spaces!) 3. press ENTER 4. type in "exit" to close cheat box (or just hit Esc button while in the curser box) 5. at the same time, hold down SHIFT and left-click on your household's mailbox (must be residential lot) 6. you will get a menu; click on 'household' 7. you will get more options; click on 'make all happy' Viola! If done correctly, all the Sims' Needs in your household should increase significantly. I found it very useful when you have a lot of cranky Sim children :hissyfit:
Or, like Jud said, you can just use the MaxMotives cheat and the whole household's motives go all the way up. It requires Nightlife though, so if you don't have NL, then your way might be better, Mkimm -- though I have to admit I don't know if your cheat requires NL too or not.
i don't have Night Life; i have OFB and Pets. so the MaxMotives cheat probably doesn't work for me. but i think the boolprop cheat will work for anybody. if you want to try "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true", it does more than just boosting all Sims needs. you can impregnate your Sims, kill your Sims various ways (i killed one Sim by a massive group of flies!), speed up pregnancy, automatically make 50 friends for your sim, and a lot more. you can use that cheat for practically anything.
True, but if you don't know what you're doing with it you can severely damage your game and mess up your sims/lots. We don't recommend using it unless you know what you're doing.
If you have Bon Voyage the pets control cheats will work on vacation buddies. Normally vacation buddies (sims not of the initiating household) are not controllable. But the pets controlling cheats enable you to cancel the actions of your holiday guests and to order them about. Comes in useful when managing an important (and expensive) holiday! I think, but can't be sure, that the cheats are avaliable with BV even if Pets isn't installed. Can someone without pets let me know. The cheats are: boolProp PetsFreeWill false/true [not actually tried this one, but the other two work in my game] boolProp PetActionCancel false/true boolProp ControlPets off/on If, like me, you use a lot of cheats then you might like to create a userstartup.cheat file. Apart from setting some cheats which act on all lots so you don't even have to type them in, it also allows you to set short cheat names so that you can set a cheat eith less typing. For example I type mon/moff for moveObjects on/moveObjects off The contents of my start up cheat file are shown in the box below. The first command line: floatProp tvVolume 0.2 make the TV's in the game a bit quieter. The rest are self explanatory. I had a set of Post It notes on the wall next my screen for a few weeks until I remembered all the "aliases" (the short codes). The cheat file can be edited with Notepad or just use one you like, for example mine. Available below to download. Just unzip into the folder called Config in this path: Documents\EA Games\The Sims2\Config Code: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias real command brief help full help # ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- floatProp tvVolume 0.2 # # Cheat shortcuts use the format: # alias alias defintion "The Cheat Code" "Short Descn" "Long Descn" # alias mon "moveObjects on" "Move Objects On" "Move Objects On" alias moff "moveObjects off" "Move Objects Off" "Move Objects Off" alias chon "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" "Debug Mode On" "Debug Mode On" alias choff "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false" "Debug Mode Off" "Debug Mode Off" alias diagon "boolProp allow45degreeangleofrotation true" "45 Degree Angle Allowed" "45 Degree Angle Allowed" alias diagoff "boolProp allow45degreeangleofrotation false" "45 Degree Angle Not Allowed" "45 Degree Angle Not Allowed" alias snapon "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "Snap Objects to Grid On" "Snap Objects to Grid On" alias snapoff "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Snap Objects to Grid Off" "Snap Objects to Grid Off" alias flooroff "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Floor tile elevation fixing off" "Floor tile elevation fixing off" alias flooron "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Floor tile elevation fixing on" "Floor tile elevation fixing on" alias roof3 "roofSlopeAngle 45" "Normal Roof Slope" "Normal Roof Slope" alias roof4 "roofSlopeAngle 36.86989" "TAN 0.75 Roof Slope" "TAN 0.75 Roof Slope" alias roof5 "roofSlopeAngle 30.96375" "TAN 0.6 Roof Slope" "TAN 0.6 Roof Slope" alias ind3 "individualroofSlopeAngle 45" "Normal Roof Slope" "Normal Roof Slope" alias ind4 "individualroofSlopeAngle 36.86989" "TAN 0.75 Roof Slope" "TAN 0.75 Roof Slope" alias ind5 "individualroofSlopeAngle 30.96375" "TAN 0.6 Roof Slope" "TAN 0.6 Roof Slope" alias pb "plumbBobToggle" "Toggles PlumbBobs on/off" "Toggles PlumbBobs on/off" alias boff "showHeadlines off" "turns off balloons" "turn off balloons" alias doff "boolProp dormspecifictoolsdisabled true" "turns off dorm build" "turns off dorm build" alias don "boolProp dormspecifictoolsdisabled false" "turns off dorm build" "turns on dorm build" alias pon "boolProp ControlPets on" "turns on Pet Control" "turn on Pet Control" alias poff "boolProp ControlPets off" "turns off Pet Control" "turn off Pet Control" alias pcan "boolProp PetActionCancel true" "turns on Pet Action Cancel" "turn on Pet Action Cancel" alias pcoff "boolProp PetActionCancel false" "turns off Pet Action Cancel" "turn off Pet Action Cancel" alias pfw "boolProp PetsFreeWill true" "turns on Pets Free Will" "turn on Pets Free Will" alias nopfw "boolProp PetsFreeWill false" "turns off Pets Free Will" "turn off Pets Free Will" alias decoff "motivedecay off" "turns off motive decay" "turns off motive decay" alias decon "motivedecay on" "turns on motive decay" "turns on motive decay" alias z "maxmotives" "maximises motives" "maximisers motives"
more hints Badges and Badge cheats To Cheat: You can get badges by using 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' and then click Spawn.. and then More.. and then Badge Juicer. To not cheat: (according to the Prima Guide) How Badges are Earned: Badges are earned by doing tasks associated with them. *Building robots, toys, or flower arrangements earn sims points toward the corresponding badges. *Ringing up purchases at a cash register develops a Sim's register badge. *Doing sales socails hones a Sim's Sales Talent Badge *Restocking (restocking anything) builds toward the restocking talent badge. *Doing makeovers at the Ug-No-More Makeover Station adds to the Cosmetology Talent Badge Talent Badges & Skills: The rate at which sims earn points toward a badge is affected, in part, by their level in a corresponding skill. The higher their skill level, the faster they'll accumulate points toward their Talent Badges. With a skill maximized, a related Talent Badge should take about half the time to achieve. Talent Badges, Skills, & Personality Talent Badge*Badge Accelerating Skill *Skill-Accelerating Personality Cosmetology Cleaning*Neat Flower Arranging Creativity*Playful Register Logic*Serious Restocking Body*Active Robotery Mechanical*None Sales Charisma*Outgoing Toy Building Mechanical*None
Thank you, Michelle! I've been looking for a cheat for them badges for ages! Getting them the honest way didn't work out so well for me.
and if you haven't found a cheat in any of the above lists, check out snootysims They have list divided into expansions etc. and very comprehensive
SIms 2 Cataways Hi Everyone Does any one knows how to make the hints come up? Or how to be able to redeem the story rewards? How to find the clues to advance the game? I would appreciate the help
for anyone using boolprop when you press the create a family button hold down 'shift + N' and that will give you access to npc clothing and hairstyles, use 'shift + M' to turn it off.