problems installing sims3pack downloads Every time I try to install a download from the Exchange, the launcher/installer sits at 0% forever and...
The makeover chair is under seating->miscellaneous and the industrial stove is with all the other stoves. The OFB items are scattered all over the...
I did play for a little bit Wednesday night, and so far so good. At least the one house I played was intact, so I'm taking that as a good sign....
Well, I got my monitor yesterday. And believe it or not, I haven't played the game on it yet... LOL. It's a Samsung 931C 19" (not widescreen) with...
You don't have to, but installing out of order can cause problems, though not for everyone... so it is highly recommended that you install in...
Thanks everyone, you've got me convinced... as long as I get one with a fast response time and a decent native resolution I should be okay. Guess...
TS2 and LCD monitors Does anybody play the game on an LCD flat-panel monitor? How does it look? My mom sent me some money to buy my own...
After entering the "changelotzoning dorm" cheat, you have to save and reload the lot before it takes effect.
I'm not sure if it's the same in the Lots & Houses bin, but this is how most other custom content can be deleted from within the game... While in...
"I have been trying to get you to come to Fresca to visit me for years," Betsy Broke said sternly to her brother. "You're coming for Thanksgiving...
Wedding pictures...
A few weeks later, Melissa awoke one morning nearly starving. She had gone to bed with a full stomach, but now she was ravenous. She couldn't wait...
Melissa Bendett came home from work one day to find Parker on the kitchen floor playing with a small dog. Setting down her things, she eyed the...
Separate names with a comma.