if it is that will be just after mi birthday!
are you doing cheats for sims 1 or sims 2?
thank you for awnsering i've been wanting to know for months!!
you can using a cheat!!! get the cheat screan o (hold ctril,shift nd c) then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and then save go into the...
how come when my vampire sim got pregnant she had a normal sim baby? its not fair i wanted a vampire baby .:(
its called vampire:d or something anyway it turns ur vampire back into a normal sim
you go to www.sims2.com then you go into exchange and go to storys and go to the search box type in robots and click on one of the story pictures.
robots i know you can get robots because i saw them in a sims story on the sims2 website but i don't know how to get them plz plz tell me if you...
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