ROTFL I didn't even think of that, but it fits for me as well...LOL, way too funny all the same. Best item of clothing...anything that makes my stomach and hips look smaller! Why can't I just win the lottery and stay at home all day!?!
Because asking the right questions is a lot harder than answering them. And now I've got the same problem. Can I pass the buck? :sorry:
You can pass a million of them if you want, as long as they are all in my direction!! Why is it so quiet in the library today?
It depends who 'they' are. If in some instance, it's the same sort of 'they' as in Lost, more commonly known as 'The Others', then they are probably after your lucky charms to get off the island. When will the 'they' from drama call to pick me up?
When you least expect it. When will my significant other get of his backside and fix my car like he's been saying for the past year?
Pfft, the fruit. Everyone knows that color didn't exist before the '50s. Why is Mortimer Goth such a jerk?