Ive had Marco and Polo, Credit Card and Non-Dairy Creamer the alien twins. There's Artemis Clydefrog (if anyone has seen this south park episode...
and a wheelbarrow. Welcome!
I honestly don't know if I can get mine written. Summer school starts tomorrow and they give you this big essay (10 pgs) at the very beginning on...
I just made one, with 3 people, Kale, Earl, and Ian Loco. All brothers, random aspirations. They were in the career tracks, Gamer, Culinary, and...
'Tis true sayaka...
I try this... I set it on medium/high speed, I go watch some telly, look over my shoulder every, say, 5 minutes, and usually something will have...
Arabia Whats the wingspan of an African swallow?
Exactly! I have it all mapped out, but I need to take up some space in the middle.
yes i am. :) just one though...
Are you paying? ;)
lol Jiko... you can use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift then click your plants and select the one that goes, "infest with bugs" or...
i thougt your name was, thehumanslayer at first, lol. Welcome, you're gonna meet some really cool people here, like the ones who just posted...
im terribly sorry Odinmoon, i didnt mean to offend you either.
im not saying the crocodile hunter dying is funny. I said he was so funny. Not his dying was so funny. Nothing can be funny in this world now adays.
thanks muffin. But should there be, like, one page in a chapeter or what?
This is fun to do. I had a sim, I think his name was Lenny, got to the top of the athletic track, which was his lifetime goal, so when he worked...
very loudly and obnoxiously. Who sold seashells by the sea shore?
listened to Zeppelin.
oh yeah and, thank you for choosing Worldsims Airlines, we hope you enjoy your flight.
I really don't have any ideas. 15-20 chapters, now how much should be in a chapter?
Separate names with a comma.