My Game is Suddenly Buggy I would never give up NL. It has made the game a blast again. My sim's lives are so rich now I can't tear myself away...
Vampire Energy Drain So, here's a weird thing that happened: I left my two vamps in the "full green," sleeping peacefully in their coffins, and...
What are Your Ideas for Aspiration Rewards? Just in case the programmers are listening, I thought it might be fun to come up with new stuff we...
Energizer Jump Problem I tried to use the energizer last night and my sim jumped out of it before receiving any benefits from it. The lightbulb...
Tool tip: in case I'm not the last person to figure this one out! I FINALLY discovered, by accident, that if you press Shift-Click you can...
Anyone ever make a custom roof? So now that I have a ruined mansion I really want a roof with a hole in it! Has anyone ever seen or figured out...
New Longer Lasting Uni ... Now that I have NL, it is taking my sims a long time to graduate from university. Not that I'm complaining. NL means...
Bev's House of Beauty So, I am tired of fashion victims in my game and decided to take matters into my own hands ... enter Beverly Patterson,...
I can't get bitten! So, my sim has tried everything I can think of to get himself bitten by the Countess. He bought love potions, changed his...
Weird Date Stuff I think I may have discovered a date bug in NL ... I've had two different sims ask someone on a date, only to have that person...
My dog understands Simlish! So, the other night my dog was barking at the neighbors (her favorite activity) so I went outside to stop her and,...
Suggestions for Nightlife? So, I've been playing for about a week and already have a suggestion ... any of the EA programmers listening? I would...
Copy houses to lot bin? Hi, Somebody (I can't remember who) said you could copy houses directly to the lot bin with NL. Is this true, or did I...
I Can See Clearly Now ... Wow. What a difference a new processor makes. I had no idea how much detail there was in the Sims 2, and I don't even...
Scientists Photograph Giant Squid! Very cool. Read all about it on CNN....
Changing Terrains? I seem to remember seeing information about changing a neighborhood terrain in another thread, but can't find it now. Can...
Freaky Picture So I went to play one of my families and discovered ... Baby Stewie! Or possibly a kid no one wants. Anyway, it's freaky. I've...
Share Your Favorite Recipe! Hey all, I thought it would be fun if each of us shared the recipe we make best with the rest of the group. I don't...
Share Your Houses! We've been talking about houses on different threads and I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we could brag a...
It's Time for more Bloopers! It's been a while so I thought I'd start a new thread. I could resurrect the old one but finding it would take work...
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