Just Studying to Further myself and really getting back into Morrowind Oblivion Elder Scrolls again! got it for Pc so no excuses! lol other than...
Thanks JudHudson! but not being nitpicky or anything aren't those from lasts years Preview? I recall seeing the last screenshot sometime in...
Hey Josh! aww that was so nice of you to say so Christy!:o and YEAH thanks Josh! It's been real kiff to get to know you and others through The...
Hullo Cop2b1986! interesting name choice! is that 'cuz you really 'R a cop to be? or just something you made up that sounded cool to you? not...
Hey Josh! are you online on the chat thing now? LOL it's getting ..confusing again! and HEY btw ;)
Hello and Welcome Nyx (Ella ;)) So your Asian? woah never would have guessed =D that's Awesim! he he and As you already know me I too love to read...
Wow TeasingMeat you did ALL that with the sims 2! Amazing Job Dude! i should really post this on your profile aah well Killer Saweet Vid man ;)
LOL! okay sure Ella! I don't mind we know we are bro and sis in our own minds if that makes any sense? lol so nevermind I will just call you Ella...
Hey man! it's Natal I'll add ya if you like!:D
Hello Elaina! I am gunan go ahead and add you now .. see you on the chat! ;)
LOL "really isn't that much" >_> yeah buddy you be here and say THAT! trust me i just got back from work half an hour ago it took 2 hours to get...
I know! I am here now! Back in Suffolk!(near london about an hour by train ride) My folks live here so i am back over here to "visit" it really is...
sorry for the bad grammar in the first line! i typed too fast! and some reason Could NOT edit! is there a limit to how many times you can EDIT...
Contacting EA Nightmare: Dial tone .. beep after 2 hours of trying to get through to a someone i get a prerecored operator ..:mad: If you want...
Ha ha LOL! thanks Judhudson! I thought the exact same thing Smeek! weird lol Bene or what ever they say on the BBS for posting this! i decided to...
Bahaha you guys made me LOL:D um Withdrawal symptoms? =D okay some people here need a chill pill me thinks? what pictures SID 0.o :confused:
Howzit Sid! or The DOG! what's up? you still eagerly anticipating word on TS3? what am I talking about? of course you are!:D see you around Pal ;)
which if Im not mistaken is tuesday right? hmm odd as last year they made word on YUP a tuesday!:confused: tuesday thursday and friday those dates...
Back to that cold hard narrow ledge! Okay that's it I am back on that ledge again! nice job Josh oh yeah and my friend's up here with me, hope...
LOL Ruthie! well Put! I calmly climbed back in! Just dont ever scare us like that again! Else next time I WILL jump! I Mean it!:D
Separate names with a comma.