Sweet glasses Mirelly, I am going to download them immediatly when I get on the CPU thats not the prehistoric one as Mirelly called it. The...
I realized i never did one of the Introduction Icebreakers after reading one of michelle's posts of how she didn't do one of the icebreakers but I...
Lucky. Our's starts Friday, I'm going to Dallas the next Fri. for one of my brothers Tae-Kwon-Do tounaments. Anybody know about anything fun for a...
Hello JLS and welcome to worldsims! I'm sure we would all LOVE to see your tatoos you made! Use this crazy awesome post to help out.
Thank you very much Lynet I will read it right away!
How bout here? Any objections? SBW? Lynet? No your honor. Yeah i'm planning my career in the practice of law. And i'm twelve. Yes..YES!... stand...
Welcome to Worldsims Our Coven! I just realized, i'm the guy who stays on the Intro Forum constantly and repeatedly pushes the Refresh button...
My mom is seeming to have something similar to you at the moment, she's inviting over grandma and grandpa to bring their chainsaw, so we can clean...
Well I think Seasons is all we wanted and more :) There are new objects (country style), six new professions, new build options including the...
I tried moveobjects on, with it on it says cannot pick up
I must have a bug or something because he came after a huge winter storm and he is at the edge of the lot and just keeps walking as if hes gonna...
one of my taller trees got struck by lightning, heres it on fire.
Im getting frusterated because when i have my sim work out his temperature goes up too fast for him to work out a decent work out
Thanks very much Shana!
I got a highscore up there, I got 848, my name is Jazz hey worldsims But it is does not seem to work when I try to upload the picture of it.
Just move it around towards the wall and it will appear as a hanging as that. Heres another one of the great snowfall I got,
Here are a coupla pictures of a house I revised that came with Riverblossom Hills, I added the Pool area and the greenhouse Theres two things I...
How do you get screen shots?
Two words, GARDEN SCULPTURES Edit: another word: FOUNTAIN
I love salmon, so good. Did you guys get a sticker on your package that seasons came with that had a code for a certain item you could unlock? Is...
Separate names with a comma.