But how? I created my own community lot, complete with a small pond and everything, I made a clothes store, a games store and a grocery, but I...
Thanka a lot for your answers. I will try some of them out. Shes an adult, not a teenager, she has 7 friends, so maybe the answer is in that...
Name calling I tend to use names from sports as well. I have the Garcia-family(QB from 49rs), the Andersen-family(kicker from Minnesota Vikings,...
Promotions Hi everyone. I been playing for 3 weeks now, and love the game. More wallpapers, though, but still; love it! I have one problem...
I tried the package thing and it worked. I copied a house 3 times(it+s like a starter house. Cheap and big enough for 3 sims), but I cant opload...
Well, it worked. Really worked. She got pregnant again and just gave birth to twin babies. ****! You wanted something so bad, and when it finally...
What we cant get Whining is really what this thread was about. We have grown complacent I guess. I remember when I bought Superstar, I was...
problems In the beginning, when my children grew into their teens, I found it very hard to get their homework done, all the while, I had to...
Sorry I didnt meen to offend you by my statement about the copied CDs. the reason I wrote it, is that I had a rather long exhange of words some...
Good call Thats some good advice. However, all the teens I have now, never had those problems. As children, they kept practicing their skills, so...
Never can figure it out I tried it again. this time with Hubert. Hes an old geezer living in a shed in the outskirts of the town. His grandson is...
Pregnancy. Anyone experienced this? Hi all. I have a couple who had a child. She grew up, became a teen and now the parents wants another child....
I dont see the problem HelloKit is right. Its not that hard to press Ctrl+Shift and then C. I tried the motherlode cheat a couple of times,...
Upgrades! Lured you in, I did! You thought I had cool sites to download all kinds of upgrades, but sorry. What I cant wait for, is until EA games...
fixing appliances I tried fixing the tv, the computer, the garbage disposal and other things with a total numb skull, who has no idea what a...
The headmaster rating I have a family of 3, and the girl had D grades. After the 2. day of elementry school, I called the headmaster. I made him...
Male or female Whats the difference anyway? they clean your house while you are making public whohoo with the mailcarrier!
Did you say helicopter? What do I have to do to get picked up in a helicopter? PLease tell me! NOW!...please? Oh, and speaking about houses: In...
Abductees Can anyone be abducted? Or does it only happen in the weird town? I would love to see what would happen excactly. I got a caracter with...
Of course I started playing Sims2 about 2 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it. Its so much more than just a facelift. I like that you can...
Separate names with a comma.