Happy Black Friday! Happy Black Friday, folks! Anyone score any amazing buys today? :D
Unfortunately, the video card the MacBook comes with is not on the supported list of graphics cards for TS2. If we're talking about a MacBook...
Vacation! :) Cruise
It decides, all right--it decides to give up and quits working. I wish I didn't have to go to school for picture retakes tonight...
"Unwritten Letter #1" (A song by Vienna Teng. :)) Red
Happy Birthday!! :D
So I've been thinking a lot about etymology lately. Am I the only one who thinks that "Hoagie" is a weird word? I mean, really! "Hoagie." Who...
Ahhh... sorry, I have no idea. :( Are there any preference files that might be associated with TS2 that have gone corrupt?
I don't know if I'm going to be much of a help, because while I'm a mac user, I don't have TS2 for Mac--I have to resort to the PC. :( So, I'm...
I'm so glad I read this first before just clicking the "delete" thingy in the "new threads" box. Phew! Catastrophe averted. :) Welcome to WS,...
...I dunno if I like the idea of the switch. I mean it doesn't really affect me, as I sit here and type this on my Mac with Safari... but maybe...
I'm hoping--thinking, rather--that it was a false positive. My blood pressure the next morning was much lower. SBW, we are getting a Wii for...
*stops sweeping* oh, don't mind me, just doing a little housekeeping. :p I've merged a few posts in this thread. Just echoing what Lynet already...
Indeedy! I'm guessing it won't be Josh too :)
I was just wondering, is this probem apparent on all of your user accounts, or is it only in the main account you use? If you only use one...
It doesn't really bother me that much, I was expecting it to be high... but by the same token hoping that they'd say "It's normal. Next!". My...
150/80. I hate Doctors. So I had an appointment with the doctor today for a physical. No big deal, had a chicken pox booster, ho hum. And then...
My family always did it all in a day. :p Seriously though... you can pick and choose among them. They're all awesome. Have fun in NYC. :)
Yes please. (seriously? it depends on what I'm putting it on. I only to ketchup on hamburgers) Chocolate or vanilla?
Separate names with a comma.