Thanks, I''ll download in a weeek or two
Good ways to hold an 'eviction' night? What aredsome ways you can host an 'eviction night'-like big brother has?
Do any Sim relaed sies offer free hosting or support for emailing/posting yoyr sim stories? Where can I download some good familys (The Sims 1.x...
Any psims sire offering free sim ss related hosting?
OKwhat abiyt some com,puter and office objects fir The Sims only?
Can you send mw th=at ftridge?Is it for all editiobs?
I think they might be UIS only shiopoing, no international, any way any australian sits where you can purchase an sims startyegy guide?
Anyhow, wherre could I ost updates on my Big brother style series with 7 celebrities and 1 all-rounder person? It's in the SB 1 I got from...
Anyhow, wherre could I ost updates on my Big brother style series with 7 celebrities and 1 all-rounder person?
I wou;ld like a birthday cake-and can anyobe do some Australian objets-like a esky frifge and a an aussire flag for The Sims 1.0/1.1 ONLY, because...
'Big Brother' style houses Where can I find 'Big brother' style houses for my Sims to move (in have The sims 1.0)? And any good way to run a...
I saw some guides were out of the boxat Target's music section-anyway, any good Online the sims good strayteg/Faqs?
Tes, that's right-So here it rated M 15+ (that is a Teen (T) in the us). Plis, it was here anbout AUD$49.95-the same price fthe orginal editioj is...
Yes,today my copy of the Sims, on just my PC frezzed during loadup-works fine ojn my dad's IBM aptiva(667 mHz, vs 333Mhz). So it seeems to me that...
Startegy giide Where can I buy an separate Prima strategy guide for the Sims only, at Target and at Elkectronics Boutique (EB) at Pacafic fair...
Also, in my country the Orginalnal and Unleashed rated G8+ (KA-us), and deluxe is M 15+-probably include some mature animations interactions with...
I get a errot saying npc_ somrthing can't be found, is there is way to treaol,ce without reimnstalling?
Well, it be great siomeone could make a mini0-fridge and a ustandalone freezer style fridge? And how about a computer that has little picytuires...
You can have sometimes that your Sims copy freezes during startup-paticullay nea r the reticulatikng spines stage -bevause you may have laege...
Well, it was simply that there were a lot of large .iff/.far object files-slimmed down my objects folder-now works!
Separate names with a comma.